Shipment Management

Apply Payment Terms

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Financials > Settlement > Apply Payment Terms.

Use this action to apply payment terms (copy Payment Method Codes from other business objects) to each shipment cost record on a shipment (refer to the Financials tab).

Note: This action does not populate payment terms for non-freight related charges (NFRC). You can configure an NFRC Rule if you want to automatically populate Payment Codes on NFRCs or enter them manually.

When you run this action for a non-NFRC shipment, the following logic applies:

  • If the payment method is empty, it retrieves the payment method code from the rate in the following manner:
    • If there is an accessorial cost, the payment method code is retrieved from the rate.
    • All other cost types try to get the payment code from the linked rate cost. If that is not available, then the payment code from the rate record is used.
  • If the payment method is PER TRANSACTION:
    • Copy payment method from the order
    • Use MIXED if this is for multiple orders with multiple payment methods.
  • If the payment method is PER CONSOL AGENT:
    • Copy the payment method from the related job's consol agent
    • If the payment method is PER TRANSACTION the payment method on the order is used, as described above.
The results display the shipment ID, each cost type and corresponding cost, followed by the Payment Method Code assignment.

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