Shipment Management

Sell Shipment Actions and SmartLinks

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions.

Note: Some actions cannot be used if the shipment was created from a schedule with a type of Dynamic trip or Static trip.




Brokerage and Forwarding

Book Sell Shipment

Book to Buy Consol

Book to Buy Consol Show Options

Build Buy Side Shipment

Split Booking for Multi BL


Book with Internal NVOCC


Show Routing Options



Create Job

Generate MAWB

Business Process Automation


Add Document (Deprecated)

Assign Document Sets

Attach Documents

Copy Document

Generate Document

Limited Documents

Link Document

Add Document

Send Documents

Upload Document

View Document Sets


Milestone Monitor


Assigned Milestone Monitor

Event History



Custom Reports

Various Public Reports


Advanced Charges

Flag Advanced Charge

Unflag Advanced Charge



Bill Adjusted Costs

Build Sell Charges from Buy Side Charges

Generate Bill



Create Invoice

Invoice Adjusted Costs



Allocate Cost

Apply Payment Terms

Assign Shipment General Ledger Codes

Close Accruals



Send Allocation Interface

Send Financials Feed

Set Exchange Rate

Global Trade Management


Build Trade Transaction

Propagate Changes to Trade Transaction

Remove from Trade Transaction

Operational Planning

Change Shipment Route

Divert Shipment

Merge Shipments

Split Shipment


Dock Scheduling

Adjust Appointment Time

Manage Appointments

Remove Appointments

Schedule Appointment

Schedule Partial Stop Appointment

Set Appointment Priority


Manage Continuous Moves

Find Shipments

Link Shipments



Manage Pool Shipment

Convert Multistop to Pool

Convert Pool to Multistop


Route Execution

Assign to Route Instance Leg

Batch Unassign Shipments

Unassign Shipment



Release Schedule Instance



View Load Config

View Related Capacity Commitments

Shipment Management

Change Service Provider

Change Service Provider

Choose Least Cost

Edit Service Provider and Cost

Select and Change Service Provider


Change Shipment Costs

Adjust Shipment Costs

Assign Rate

Create Spot Rate

Fetch and Update Market Cost

Recalculate Shipment Cost

Record Shipment for Tiered Rating

Remove Shipment Tiered Rating Record

Spot Cost


Change Shipment Details

Change Equipment Group

Change Schedule

Change Start Time

Change Stop Time

Change Transport Mode

Delete Multiple Shipments

Move Order to Shipment


Change Shipment Stops

Assign Shipment Tracking Location

Insert Non Freight Related Stop

Remove Non Freight Related Stops

Resequence Stops

Set Operational Locations

Unassign Shipment Tracking Locations



Add Event for Location

Add Tracking Events to Shipments

Add Shipment Tracking Event

Add Tracking Event

Roll Back Sighting

View Shipment Tracking Events


Manage Groups and Charges

Add Partial Shipments to Group

Add Shipments to Group

Add Third Party Service Provider

Build Secondary Charge Shipments

Create Secondary Charge

Create Shipment Group

Delete Secondary Charge

Remove Partial Shipments from Group

Remove Shipments from Group


Open Tender

Broadcast Tender

Modify Open Tender

Re-Transmit Broadcast Tender

Re-Transmit Spotbid Tender

Spot Bid Tender

Update Open Tender

Withdraw Broadcasted Tender

Withdraw Spot Bid Tender



Accept Tender

Approve for Execution

Assign Tender Contact

Clear Tender Attempts

Decline Tender

Modify Tender

Re-Transmit Tender

Secure Resources

Secure Resources by Planner

Split Booking

Step Tender Shipment

Tender Shipment

Withdraw Tender



Change External Status

Check Feasibility

Compose and Send Message

Copy Actual Quantities Buy to Sell

Copy Shipment

Edit Quantities

Mark for Purge

Modification Acknowledged

Move Shipment to Reviewed State

Send Interface Transmission

Set Image

Set Indicator



Audit Trail

Plot Related Shipments

Related Shipments



From the Sell Shipment Manager results page, right-click on any ID to launch any of the following SmartLinks.



Content View

Details about the content of a shipment such as a detailed list of all ship units and packaged items including totals for counts, stops, weights, volumes, orders etc.


Documents results page showing Document IDs that are linked to this shipment.

Full Audit

Audit Trail results page displaying all changes that were made to the shipment.

Online/Booking Tendering

Summary of the tendered shipment information.

Quick Events

Predefined events you can add to a shipment.

Related Bills

Bill results page showing the bills created for the shipment.

Related Invoices

Invoices created for the shipment.

Related Order Movements

Displays related order movements.


Related Order Releases

Order releases that are on the shipment.

Review Conditional Booking

Conditional order releases that are scheduled for the shipment.

Sell Quantities

The Shipment Actuals page for recording actual count, weight, and volume for packaged items on the shipment.


This displays the statuses related to the shipment.

Track and Trace

Information about the shipment such as the source and destination locations, service provider, planned and actual dates, and equipment.  

View Driver Overview

Displays related driver information.

View First Freight Equipment


Displays information for equipment associated with the shipment.

View House BOL

View the house Bill of Lading.

View Next Calendar Event

Displays next event on the driver calendar.

View Related Capacity Commitments

Use this action to find all commitment counts or allocations associated with the lane of the shipment.

View Related Consols

Display all associated consols.

View Related Driver Work Invoices

Displays driver work invoices associated with the shipment.

View Related Equipment Marks

Displays equipment marks associated with the equipment.

View Related Inventory for Equipment


View Related Jobs

Jobs to which the shipment has been assigned.

View Related Quotes

Quotes that were used to create the order releases from which this shipment was created from.

View Related Reference Numbers

Hierarchy of reference numbers from related business objects.

View Related Remarks

Hierarchy of remarks from related business objects.

View Related SKUs

After selecting SKU link criteria you can see SKUs that are related to the shipment.

View Related Shipment Groups

Displays the shipment groups associated with this shipment.

View Related Special Services

Displays a list of special services associated with the shipment.

View Shipment Overview

This page displays related order releases and order movements on one screen.

View Shipment Stop Infeasible Orders

Use this SmartLink to display if the shipment stops fit the order's time window.

View Tracking Events

Displays events associated with the selected shipment.  An optional event date range is defined in the glog.trackingevent.viewEvents.rangeInDays property.

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