Order Management

Move Order to (Existing) Shipment

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Buy Shipment or Create Sell Shipment > Move Order to Existing Shipment
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Move Order to Shipment

This action is also called via drag and drop on the workbench as described below.

This action enables you to move an order to an existing shipment and add orders to shipments and to trips.

You can run the Move Order to Shipment action for the statuses below. If a cheaper service provider exists, shipment at status 5 and 6 will change to the new lower carrier.

  • Tendered
  • Accepted
  • Booked
  • Pickup notification
  • Withdrawn/Decline
  • Not Started

When the property glog.business.order.ignoreCarrierCapacityWhenMoveOrdersToShipment is set to true, carrier capacity is ignored in the Move Orders To Shipment action. It is equivalent to ignoring carrier capacity in the ignore criteria input screen for this action.

Note: This action can be run on one order release or multiple order releases, if multiple order releases are selected, the Manual Sequence option is not available. The system runs the Auto Sequence option.

Note: If you wish to use this action and the shipment has a status of ENROUTE_ENROUTE, set the IGNORE ACTUAL TIMES DURING ADD OR UNASSIGN ORDER parameter to true.

Fleet Shipments

This also works for fleet shipments (shipments with a driver assigned) with some differences. If you select a fleet shipment, the Consolidate Equipment and the Auto-Sequence options are selected by default and cannot be deselected. Also, for a fleet shipment, the Fleet Ignore Criteria page is shown after the Move Order to Shipment page.

Generally speaking, an order can be moved to a fleet shipment only if the order has no equipment requirement or has the same equipment requirement as the shipment. There are some constraints placed on fleet shipments due to drivers and equipment.

  1. If a driver has been assigned to the ground schedule shipment, the new order stops cannot be inserted before the first stop of the shipment, which is the driver start location. Furthermore, if this shipment is not the driver's last shipment, the new order stops cannot be inserted after the last stop of the shipment.
  2. If equipment type has been assigned to the freight equipment of the ground schedule shipment, the new order stops cannot be inserted before the freight equipment pickup stop, and after the freight equipment dropoff stop.
  3. The order should have no equipment requirement or has the same equipment requirement as the shipment. The order's special services should be compatible with the driver and equipment on the shipment.
  4. The new order stops cannot be inserted before a stop if the stop has already been actualized.

Additionally, the special services of the order need to be the same as or less restrictive than those of the shipment.

  1. Validate the special service of the first pickup stop of the shipment and the order source location. The validation will pass only:
    1. If they both are at the same location, and
      • They both have PICKLOADED special service, or
      • They both have CHECK_INVENTORY special service, or
      • The shipment has MOVE_EMPTY, or has CHECK_INVENTORY and has been processed to bring empty equipment, and the order has MOVE_EMPTY or CHECK_INVENTORY special service.
      • Or if they are at different locations, and the order has no PICKLOADED, MOVE_EMPTY or CHECK_INVENTORY special service.
  2. Validate the special service of the last drop-off stop of the shipment and the order destination location. The validation will pass only:
    1. If they both are at the same location, and
      • They both have DROPLOADED special service, or
      • They both have CHECK_INVENTORY special service, or
      • The shipment has MOVE_EMPTY, or has CHECK_INVENTORY and has been processed to take away empty equipment, and the order has MOVE_EMPTY or CHECK_INVENTORY special service.
    2. Or if they are at different locations, and the order has no DROPLOADED, MOVE_EMPTY or CHECK_INVENTORY special service.


This option takes a single order release and finds the best (cheapest) existing shipment in which to insert the order. When this action is run, Oracle Transportation Management finds all the itineraries for this order and for each itinerary, it builds the route. Oracle Transportation Management then sorts all the routing options by cost and iterates through all the routing options to find the cheapest shipment in which to insert the order. Oracle Transportation Management also uses the itinerary leg's AUTO_CONSOLIDATION_TYPE to do the consolidation and follows the same rules with the auto consolidation process.

When Oracle Transportation Management finds a candidate shipment, it unassigns all order releases from the shipment, deletes the shipment, and builds a new shipment that consolidates the existing orders as well as the new order. If you made manual data changes to the shipment before the insertion takes place, they are lost since that shipment is deleted.

If you select Optimize, only non-fleet shipments are considered for adding.

Note: Since you may have many shipments, you should restrict the number of shipments considered for performance reasons. Use the MAX NUM SHIPMENTS TRIED WHEN INSERT ORDER parameter to set the limit.

More Options

Use the Show Options choice to view the potential shipments on a map or in a list. The search for potential shipments will consider the MAX SEARCH RADIUS DISTANCE parameter.

  1. Enter a Shipment Saved Query ID to limit the shipments that are returned. If you do not specify a Shipment Saved Query, then the saved query specified by the FLEET DEFAULT SHIPMENT SAVED QUERY ID parameter is used.
  2. If you click the Show Options button, a list of Available Shipments is displayed. Users can select either a target shipment directly or simulate the action on one or more of the candidate shipments before making a target shipment decision. If you select a particular shipment record from the Available Shipments, and click OK button, you will be directed to Order - Move To Shipment page where Affected Shipments is displayed. Each has its own ID, Total Actual Cost, Total Weighted Cost, Start Time, End Time, Service Provider ID, Transport Mode, Rate Offering, and Equipment Group. On the other hand, when you select one or more candidate shipments from the list of Available Shipments, click on Simulate button, a Consolidate Shipment Option page will be displayed where a list of Affected Shipments is available. You need to select only one affected shipment from the list to proceed further. Once you select and click OK button, you will be redirected to Order - Move To Shipment page where Affected Shipments is appeared. 
  3. If you click the Display on Map button, the shipments are displayed on a map. Select the shipment you desire. The format of this page is that of a workbench layout. Also, see Using a Workbench Map for more information.

Select Shipment

Use the Select Shipment option to assign an order release to an existing shipment or trip. You can move order releases that have and have not been planned on a shipment. If you move an order release that is planned on a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management unassigns the order from the existing shipment first, and then moves the order to the new shipment.

You can also move an unplanned order release to an existing shipment and Oracle Transportation Management re-plans the existing shipment (re-sequences the modified shipment, re-calculates cost and service time, etc.).

If you select this option, additional fields appear.

Consolidate Equipment

When the Consolidate Equipment check box is selected, Oracle Transportation Management tries to fit the order you are adding onto the equipment of the shipment you are adding it to. If you had selected to ignore equipment constraints, then it will do so if the equipment is not large enough. If you chose not to ignore it, then it will not add the order.

If the Consolidate Equipment check box is selected, but there is more than one piece of equipment on either the existing or the new shipment, Oracle Transportation Management cannot consolidate equipment since there is more than one equipment on the shipment.

If the Consolidate Equipment check box is not checked, Ignore Equipment Capacity is ignored and the equipment is added to the existing shipment. In this case, Oracle Transportation Management only tries to bundle the shipment, not combine the shipment.

Auto Sequence

This option uses the shipment or trip you specified and adds the order to it. It optimally re-sequences the stops. It automatically saves the result to the shipment or trip.

Note: You can only use this option with trips if you select Consolidate Equipment.

Manual Sequence

This option uses the shipment you specified and adds the order to it. The sequence in which the stops for the order are added to the existing shipment is dictated by the values you enter in the Pickup Index and Delivery Index fields. These fields are relative to the stop positions of the existing shipment. You must know the stop numbers for the existing stops.

For example, you have a shipment that goes from New York City to Los Angeles. You want to enter an order that goes from Philadelphia to Chicago and manually define the stop sequence. Entering a 0 indicates that the stop should occur before the first stop, in this case, before New York. Entering a 1 indicates that the stop should occur before Los Angeles. To enter a stop after the last stop, enter a number one higher, in this case 2, after Los Angeles. For this scenario, the only valid values are 0,1,2. If you have 5 stops, the valid values would be 0-5.

If you are adding an order that goes from Philadelphia (pickup) to Chicago (delivery), to the existing New York - Los Angeles shipment, then by entering the values below in the Pickup Index and Delivery Index fields on this page, you would get the resulting shipment sequence:

Pickup Index

Delivery Index


New Shipment Sequence



Both the new pickup and delivery occur before New York

Philadelphia > Chicago > New York City > Los Angeles



Pickup occurs before New York, delivery before Los Angeles

Philadelphia > New York City > Chicago > Los Angeles



Both occur before Los Angeles.

New York City > Philadelphia > Chicago > Los Angeles



Pickup occurs before Los Angeles, delivery after Los Angeles

New York City > Philadelphia > Los Angeles > Chicago



Both occur after Los Angeles.

New York City > Los Angeles > Philadelphia > Chicago

Note: You cannot use this option when adding an order to a trip.

If Shipment is Static or Dynamic Schedule Instance

If the schedule instance is released (status RESERVATION_CLOSED), an ad-hoc order can be added to a ground schedule shipment. If the Source Location is not an existing stop that allows pick-up, the order source location will need to be added to the shipment and you need to sequence the stop. You need to either select Auto Re-drive or manually enter the Arrival Time/Departure Time for this pickup stop.

If the destination location is not an existing stop that allows drop-offs, an order destination location will need to be added to the shipment and you need to sequence the stop. You need to either select Auto Re-drive or manually enter the Arrival Time/Departure Time for this drop-off stop.

If you manually enter a time, the time will be saved as planned time if the shipment is not tendered. If the shipment is already tendered, the time will be saved as estimated time.

If the Pickup/Delivery Location is the Same as one of the Stops on the Shipment

If the pickup/delivery location is the same as one of the stops on the shipment, then the pickup/ delivery index should be the index of this stop. An example is a shipment from A -> B, and an order from A -> C. In order to get a shipment A -> B -> C, the pickup index should be 0, and the delivery index should be 2. In order to get a shipment A -> C -> B, the pickup index should be 0, and the delivery index should be 1.

The action works when the order source is an existing shipment pickup stop or delivery stop. In the latter case, the stop would become a PD stop. Likewise, the action works when the order destination is an existing shipment pickup stop or delivery stop. Again, in the latter case, the stop would become a PD stop. A PD stop will only be created if the following multistop logic configuration parameters are set up appropriately, "MULTISTOP ALLOW PICKUP AND DROPOFF AT SAME STOP" and "MULTISTOP MAXIMUM SEGMENTS PER SHIPMENT".

Note: Distance savings will always be ignored in this action. That is, if the resulting shipment has a greater distance than that of the original shipment plus the distance of the order by itself, the action will still succeed.

If Shipment is on Route Execution Leg

The order can be built into a temporary shipment if you do not select the Optimize option. In this case, no compatibility checking rating, or service time calculation is preformed. The mode, equipment group service provider, and rate from the existing shipment are used to manually build the new temporary shipment.

After the temporary shipment is built, it is merged or bundled with the existing shipment depending on the following:

  • If the Consolidate Equipment check box is not selected, the new shipment will be put into the existing equipment on the existing shipment. If the two shipments do not have the same source and destination, or if either of them is a multi-stop shipment, this bundle process will fail. Otherwise, the two shipments are bundled into 1 two-stop shipment.
  • If the Consolidate Equipment check box is selected, then they are combined into a multi-stop shipment. If the two shipments fail to be combined into 1 multi-stop shipment, this action fails.

If you select Optimize, the order will try to build a feasible shipment.


This button uses the shipment or trip you specified and adds the order to it. The Simulated Move to Shipment page appears which shows the utilization level of the proposed solution and the potential stop sequence. If you are happy with the solution, click Execute. If not, go back and try a different shipment or trip.

Note: You can only use this option with trips if you select Consolidate Equipment.

Using Drag-and-Drop in an Enhanced Workbench Layout

Between Tables

  • Move order releases to a shipment: Select one or more order releases in a table and drag-and-drop them to a shipment in another table. The orders must have the same destination location as the shipment.
    • When the orders are dropped, the action Move Order to Shipment runs in the background.
      • The affected shipments and order releases are updated on any tables, maps, or Gantt charts included in your layout.
      • If the action fails, you see the OTM error message.
    • The action Move Order to Shipment runs with the following limitations:
      • Auto Sequence and Consolidate Equipment are selected automatically and cannot be deselected.
      • The Simulate option is not available for selection.
      • All criteria are considered. You do not see the Planning Ignore or Fleet Ignore pages and cannot ignore any criteria.
  • Move a shipment stop to another shipment: Select a single shipment stop in a table and drag-and-drop it to a shipment in another table.
    • When a shipment stop is dropped on another shipment, the action Move Order to Shipment runs in the background.
      • The affected shipments, shipment stop, and order releases are updated on any tables, maps, or Gantt charts included in your layout.
      •  If the action fails, you see an OTM error message.
    • The Move Order to Shipment action runs with the following limitations:
      • You can only drag-and-drop a single shipment stop.
      • All the orders at the stop must have the same source and destination locations.
      • If the shipment has more than one equipment, the action will fail as it cannot consolidate the equipment.
      • Auto Sequence and Consolidate Equipment are selected automatically and cannot be deselected.
      • The Simulate option is not available for selection.
      • All criteria are considered. You do not see the Planning Ignore or Fleet Ignore pages and cannot ignore any criteria.

Within a Map

  • Move order releases to a shipment: Select one or more order releases on the map and drag-and-drop them on a shipment also on the map:
    • HERE
      • When you select one or more order releases or a shipment stop on the map and drag, you see an informational pop-up that shows all the order releases present at the position from which you started dragging. This information displays in 2 sections:
        • Drag Order Releases: order releases not assigned to a shipment
        • Drag from Shipment Stop: the shipment ID followed by the stop number and all the order releases at that stop. P stands for pickup stop and D stands for drop-off stop.
      • As you continue dragging, the pop-up changes to show the Drag Order Releases and Drag from Shipment Stop sections as well as a third section, Drop to Shipment, which lists the Shipment IDs depending on mouse position on the map.
      • When you hover over a drop location, the pop-up changes so that you can select order releases to drag and shipments to drop those orders on to. Depending on the order releases or shipment stops selected, the pop-up contains the sections mentioned above and OK and Cancel buttons.
    • ALK
      • When you select a single order release on the map and drag, you see an informational pop-up that shows the order release present at the position from which you started dragging.
      • As you continue dragging, the pop-up changes to show the Drag Order Release and Drop to Shipment sections, which lists the Shipment ID depending on mouse position on the map.
      • When you hover over a drop location, the pop-up changes so that you can select an order release to drag and shipments to drop those orders on to. Depending on the order releases selected, the pop-up contains the sections mentioned above and OK and Cancel buttons. This does not support rail shipments.
      • You cannot drag and drop on line arrows.
      • Hover events are not support when dragging and dropping.
    • Click OK to complete the drag-and-drop and run the action Move Order to Shipment. Or, click Cancel to close the pop-up without running the action.
    • The action Move Order to Shipment runs in the background with the following limitations:
      • Auto Sequence and Consolidate Equipment are selected automatically and cannot be deselected.
      • The Simulate option is not available for selection.
      • All criteria are considered. You do not see the Planning Ignore or Fleet Ignore pages and cannot ignore any criteria.
    • The affected shipments are refreshed automatically on the map.
    • If the action fails, you see the OTM error message.
  • Move order releases on a shipment stop from one shipment to another: Select a shipment stop on the map and drag-and-drop it to another shipment also on the map. Drag from Shipment Stop: the shipment ID followed by the stop number and all the order releases at that stop. P stands for pickup stop and D stands for drop-off stop. Only available on HERE maps.

Note: This functionality is only available for HERE and ALK maps.


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