Set Exchange Rate

The Set Exchange Rate action allows you to lock a currency exchange rate to a particular date for various objects, including:

  • Buy Shipments
  • Sell Shipments
  • Invoices
  • Bills
  • Vouchers
  • Jobs

The action allows you to specify an exchange rate date and an exchange rate ID. Depending on what object the action is run in, different fields may appear and the logic of the action may vary. How the action differs between objects is defined below.

Buy and Sell Shipments

For Buy and Sell Shipments, you will be prompted to enter an Exchange Rate Date, which will specify the end date for which the exchange rate is valid, as well as an Exchange Rate ID. You can also use the Set Related Objects field, which when checked will set the exchange rate on related invoices and bills and all their related objects.

When this action is run for a buy or sell shipment, it will set the exchange rate date and the exchange rate ID on the shipment and the shipment costs.

Invoices and Bills

For invoices and bills, you will be prompted to enter an Exchange Rate Date, which will specify the end date for which the exchange rate is valid, as well as an Exchange Rate ID. You can also use the Set Related Objects field, which when checked will set the exchange rate on related vouchers.

When this action is run for invoices and bills, it will set the exchange rate date and the exchange rate ID on the invoice or bill as well as all their child objects, which for invoices includes invoice lines, invoice line items, and value added taxes.

For vouchers, the exchange rate is determined by what has been selected on the invoice from which the voucher is generated.


This action does not apply to vouchers. The exchange rate is determined by what has been selected on the invoice from which the voucher is generated.


For jobs, you will be prompted to enter an Exchange Rate Date, which will specify the end date for which the exchange rate is valid, as well as an Exchange Rate ID. You can also use the Override Related Objects field, which when checked will overwrite the exchange rate for any of the job's related objects.

When this action is run for jobs, it will set the exchange rate date and the exchange rate ID on the job, as well as its related invoices, bills, and shipments.

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