Tracking Event Manager: Identification

This page is accessed via:

  • Fleet Management > Visibility > Tracking Event
  • Shipment Management > Visibility > Tracking Event. Click the Identification tab.
  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Events > Add Tracking Event
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Events > Add Tracking Event

Tracking event agents have agent notification support just like shipments or order releases. The Tracking Event Manager combines the functions of the add/view shipment actions with asset events. It lets you add and edit tracking events. When tracking events are entered either through the UI or through integration they are matched with assets and shipments/shipment groups by agents. If the AUTO MATCH TO OBJECT ID(S) parameter is turned on, then events that contain shipment, shipment group, order release, order base, equipment, driver, or power unit GIDs will be automatically matched with their respective business object, without the use of the agents. For example, if your tracking event includes a shipment ID, then that event will automatically be matched to the shipment.

When you enter a shipment ID, then the shipment stops are considered as the stops.

When you enter a shipment group ID, then following are considered as stops for shipment group:

  • If Port of Load and Port of Discharge are available for a shipment group, then the Port of Load is considered as the first stop and the Port of Discharge is considered as the second stop.
  • If Port of Load and Port of Discharge are not available for a shipment group, then the Source Location of Ship Group is considered as the first stop and the Destination Location of Ship Group is considered as the second stop.

Event Reason

  1. The Quick Code field provides a short cut for entering status and reason codes. By entering a configured quick code, the responsible party, status, and reason are automatically populated. If you do not use a quick code for entering status and reason codes, then you must enter the following information manually.
  2. The Responsible Party describes the person or people that will be affected by the event. The values that appear in this field are determined by the responsible party profile. By default, Oracle Transportation Management provides various responsible party profiles that contain responsible parties that appear in the list. Each of these responsible parties is pre-configured with public status and reason codes. Once you select a responsible party, the Status and Reason fields have selectable values.
  3. Click Notify to send anyone an email containing the currently displayed event reason information. You will be prompted for an email address. The person who you are notifying does not need to be defined as a Contact. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
  4. Choose Status and Reason codes that describe the event and a reason it has happened. A Status is a category or grouping code for status codes. After you choose a status, various status codes appear.
  5. A Reason is a category or grouping for reason codes. Choose a reason and various reason codes are displayed.

Note: The values that you can choose for status and reason are pre-configured in Status Messages Power Data and are based on the responsible party.

Event Info

Inputs for the Event Date/Time are required when you add a tracking event that is meant to update a driver's HOS information and rule consumption. For continuous HOS rules, the date and time is used For period HOS rules, only the date is used. If the date entered is in the future, it is used to speak to intent against a continuous rule.  For example, a driver can enter information such as: tonight at 8:00 p.m., I will have consumed 4 hours.

  1. Enter an Event Date/Time specifying when the event began.
  2. Enter an Event End Date/Time specifying when the event ended.
  3. Enter the Event Time Zone. If the time zone is not populated, the system automatically populate the field before a tracking event is saved. It is determined in the following order: 1. The time zone of the location indicated in the location ID field. 2. The time zone of the location indicated in the location refnum/qualifier combination. 3. Use the time zone of the shipment stop. 4. Use the time zone of the current Oracle Transportation Management user. 

    Note: If you create the tracking event using integration, the time zone field is determined in the following order: 
    1. Event date
    2. Time zone at the tracking event level
    3. If the time zone at the tracking event level is not provided, the time zone field is determined in the following order:
     - 1. Using the LocationRefnumQualifierGid and LocationId or LocationGid elements at SStop. You can use the property glog.integration.shipmentStatus.isLookupTimeZoneByLocation to specify whether to get the time zone based on LocationRefnumQualifierGid and LocationID or LocationGid.
     - 2. Shipment ID and Sequence number.

    4. If the Time zone value is Local, you can use the property glog.integration.shipmentStatus.lookupTimeZone to translate the timeZone of the timezone gid "Local" to a real timeZone if there is sufficient stop level information available.

  4. Select a Domain Name.
  5. Select an option from the Tracking Event Type drop-down list. This will be used for the ease of identification of the type of event. For example, this will specify if the tracking is for matching with a shipment, shipment group, order, etc.

Event Location

  1. Enter a Shipment ID.
    Enter an ID in the Shipment Group ID field.
    Enter an ID in the Shipment Group Type ID field.
  2. Enter a Location ID. Enter either a location or a Latitude/Longitude.
  3. Select a Stop. This field is only visible when you have entered a shipment ID/shipment group ID.

    Note: Generally, you would not enter a Location ID and also select a value from the Shipment Stop drop down. However, there is a use-case where you can specify both the shipment stop value and the location ID. That is when you intend to use that field to insert a stop (before or after the selected shipment stop). In that case, it make sense to have both specified.

  4. Select an option from the Insert New Stop drop-down box. Use this field to indicate where a new stop is inserted if you are creating a new stop based on the location information you are providing in this section. This field is only displayed if you have provided a shipment ID.
  5. Select a Location Reference Number Qualifier.
  6. Enter a Location Reference Number.
  7. Enter a City, State/Province, and Country.
  8. Enter a Location Name.
  9. If this is a rail location, you can enter an SPLC.
  10. If this is a rail location, you can enter an ERPC.
  11. Enter the Latitude and Longitude for the event location. This is not necessary if you entered a location.
  12. Enter a Time Zone.
Generally, you would not enter a Location ID and also select a value from the shipment stop drop down. However, you can specify both the shipment stop value and the location ID if you intend to use that field to insert a stop (before or after the selected shipment stop). In that case, it makes sense to have both specified.

Shipment Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers.

Shipment Group Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign the details of shipment group reference numbers.

Existing Shipment Reference Numbers

This section provides information of the existing shipment reference numbers associated with the selected shipment. This is read only.

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