Global Trade Intelligence

Purchase Orders Tab

The Purchase Orders tab provides a view of various data including purchase orders by:

It also includes Extended Amount by

Extended Amount by Importing Country

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Extended Amount by Importing Country


Metadata Mapping

Extended Base Amount

IFNULL("- Trade Transaction Facts"."Extended Amount Base",0)

GTM Transaction Type ID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Importer Country

"- Trade Transaction Involved Party Importer Dimensions"."Importer Country"


Extended Amount by Month of Import

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Extended Amount by Month of Import


Metadata Mapping

Extended Base Amount

IFNULL("- Trade Transaction Facts"."Extended Amount Base",0)

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Order Month

"- Trade Transaction Order Date Period Dimensions"."Order Month"


Extended Amount by Transport Mode

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Extended Amount by Transport Mode


Metadata Mapping

Extended Base Amount

IFNULL("- Trade Transaction Facts"."Extended Amount Base",0)

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Transport Mode ID

"- Trade Transaction Transport Mode Dimensions"."Transport Mode XID"


Purchase Order Lines by Authorization

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines by Authorization


Metadata Mapping

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"


"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Authorization"

Transaction Line Count

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"


Purchase Order Lines by Control Code

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines by Control Code


Metadata Mapping

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Control Screening Control Code

"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Control Screening Control Code"

Transaction Line Count

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"


Purchase Order Lines by Exception Code

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines by Exception Code


Metadata Mapping

Control Screening Exception Control Code

"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Control Screening Exception Control Code"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Transaction Line Count

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"


Purchase Order Lines by License Code

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines by License Code


Metadata Mapping

Metadata Mapping

Assigned License Code

"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Assigned License Code"


Purchase Order


'Purchase Order' || Substring("- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID",0,0)

Transaction Line Count

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"



Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Control Screening

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Control Screening


Metadata Mapping

Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Control Screening

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Control Screening

"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Control Screening"


Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Production Classification

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Production Classification


Metadata Mapping

Purchase Order Lines On Hold for Product Classification

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"

Product Classification

"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Product Classification"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"


Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Restricted Party List Screening

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Restricted Party List Screening


Metadata Mapping

Purchase Order Lines on Hold for RPLS

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"

Restricted Party List Screening

"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Restricted Party List Screening"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"


Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Sanction Screening

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Sanction Screening


Metadata Mapping

Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Sanction Screening

"- Trade Transaction Line Facts"."Transaction Line Count"

Sanction Country Screening

"- Trade Transaction Line Dimensions"."Sanction Country Screening"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"


Purchase Orders by Importing Country

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Orders by Importing Country


Metadata Mapping

Transaction Count

"- Trade Transaction Facts"."Transaction Count"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Importer Country

"- Trade Transaction Involved Party Importer Dimensions"."Importer Country"


Purchase Orders by Month of Import

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Orders by Month of Import


Metadata Mapping

Transaction Count

"- Trade Transaction Facts"."Transaction Count"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Order Month

"- Trade Transaction Order Date Period Dimensions"."Order Month"


Purchase Orders by Transport Mode

This file is located in the catalog in /Shared Folders/GTI Reports/Purchase Order Reports/Purchase Orders by Transport Mode


Metadata Mapping

Transaction Count

"- Trade Transaction Facts"."Transaction Count"

GTM Transaction Type GID

"- Trade Transaction Dimensions"."GTM Transaction Type GID"

Transport Mode ID

"- Trade Transaction Transport Mode Dimensions"."Transport Mode XID"


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