Master Data

Product Classification Groups

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Product Classification> Product Classification Groups.

Use this page to view existing product groups or to create new ones.

Product Classification Group

  1. Enter an ID for the group in the Product Classification Group ID field.
  2. If there is a regulation reference ID that is related, enter it in the Regulation Reference ID field.
  3. Select the domain in which this group will exist from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Enter the group name in the Name field.
  5. Add a group description in the Description field.

Product Classification Group Codes

  1. Select a classification type from the Product Classification Type field.
  2. Enter the product classification code in the Product Classification Code field. You can also enter wildcard characters like '%' (percent) or '_' (underscore) along with search strings to include multiple classification codes in this field at one go. Use the percent wildcard with the search string at the beginning, in the end, or anywhere in between to specify that any number of characters can appear in multiple positions represented by the wildcard. For example:

    • If you enter '01%' in this field, all product classification codes starting with '01' will be considered.
    • If you enter '%01' in this field, all product classification codes ending with '01' will be considered.
    • If you enter '%01%' in this field, all product classification codes containing the search string '01' anywhere in between will be considered.

Use the underscore wildcard to specify a single position in which any one character can occur. For example:

  • If you enter '01_' in this field, all product classification codes starting with '01' and ending with 0-9 will be considered, like 010, 011, 012, etc.
  • If you enter '_01' in this field, all product classification codes starting with 0-9 and ending with '01' will be considered, like 001, 101, 201, etc.
  1. Select the Included check box if the product is to be included in the product group. This means that when the product classification group is used in a compliance rule, the rule will apply to anything that is part of this classification group. However, whenever the check box is NOT selected, the compliance rule will not apply to any transactions that apply to this product classification group.

    Also, a product classification group that is NOT included, does not automatically enforce all remaining data to be included. This means that multiple product classification groups must be assigned for exclusive criteria to have the effect of true exclusivity. A compliance rule with only a NOT inclusive product classification group will automatically exclude everything, unless a more encompassing classification group is also assigned.
  2. Click Save. You can add multiple product classification codes to the product group.

Note: In View and Edit modes, the number of group code records displayed in this section is based on the property glog.query.limit.gtm.server.query.license.GtmProductGroupDCodeQuery.

Child Product Classification Group

Child product groups are subsets of product classification groups. For example, soda might be a product classification group and child groups under that classification might be cream soda and orange soda.

  1. If there is a parent-child relationship between the new product classification group and an existing group, enter the existing group ID in the Child Product Group field.
  2. Select the Included check box if the child group is to be included in the product group.
  3. Click Save. You can add multiple child product classification groups.
  4. Click Finished.

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