Execute Compliance Rules

This page is accessed via:

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Compliance > Execute Compliances Rule
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions >Compliance > Execute Compliance Rules
  • Customs > Declarations > Actions > Compliance > Execute Compliance Rules
  • Customs > Declaration Lines > Actions > Compliance > Execute Compliance Rules

Use this action to screen a specific transaction/declaration against the compliance rule set group you select.

Note: Transaction parties must be screened and have a status of Valid Match; a product classification lookup must be performed resulting in a status of Completely Classified before you can run a compliance screen on the transaction.

Also, when you execute this action the compliance rule engine will match transaction data with compliance rules specified in Compliance Rule Group and assign the matching value set, value qualifiers, and/or value qualifier formula to a trade transaction or a trade transaction line. This will be used for landed cost calculation.

Note: Performing the action on a trade transaction or a declaration will also execute it on all the corresponding lines, if present.

  1. Enter an ID in the Compliance Rule Set Group ID field.
  2. Click Run.
    The screen refreshes and displays the screening results.
  3. Enter required values in Authorization Type and Authorization fields. These values will be used to release any hold placed on the transaction/declaration by the screening process.

    Note: The fields displayed on the results page will reflect the control category of the control type selected when the compliance rule was established. For example, if the category is Document, then an editable Document ID field will be displayed on the Results page. If the category is License, License Exception, or Sanction, then the Registration ID field is displayed.

  4. If the rule set group used for the screening determines that a license is required for the line item, the Registration ID field will be editable. Enter the Registration ID for the license and then click Save License Info.

    Note: If no license is required, no further action is required.

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