
Configuring and Processing Declarations

The Customs module enables you to use a declaration as a consolidated filing document in itself while filing with a regulatory body. Declarations capture the customs entry/filing business object such as a customs declaration, entry summary declaration (ENS), or exit summary declaration (EXS).

Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM) supports various scenarios when creating declarations from trade transactions. GTM can create one declaration from one trade transaction, or it can create multiple declarations from across multiple trade transactions. An entire trade transaction can be used to create declarations, or you can create declarations from certain transaction lines or even split a line across declarations.  You may also have a trade transaction being used to create multiple declarations. For example, in Europe you may have an import declaration along with a transit declaration for the same trade transaction or group of trade transactions.

You can use this capability to:

  • quickly and easily prepare declarations
  • support import, export, and in-transit customs filing globally
  • meet customs filing requirements/processes of different countries or regions
  • collaborate with trading partners and share essential data

This topic describes the configurations required and the process to use a declaration as a business object for customs filing.


You can configure  several business objects as a pre-requisite for using a declaration to file customs.

Data Preparation

The values you define on the following power data pages will be used to provide information essential for filing a declaration:

Constraint Set

Define constraint sets to group and aggregate multiple trade transaction lines into one declaration. GTM will first group trade transaction lines, based on criteria you define, to create declarations. Then, GTM will look to aggregate across declaration lines, based on criteria such as country of origin, product classification code, etc. so that you can report fewer lines to customs.

Data Configuration

Define a data configuration to specify which transaction/transaction line data should be copied to a declaration/declaration line. You can indicate when you want GTM to copy data.

Based on your configuration, data will be copied:

  • when a field has no value on the declaration/declaration line
  • when you want to overwrite the existing data with new data
  • when you want to append to the existing data

GTM also supports qualifier mapping enabling you to map from one qualifier on the trade transaction/transaction line to a different qualifier on the declaration/declaration line.

Logic Configuration

You can set up parameters on the logic configuration page to:

  1. specify rules and base data to build a declaration from transactions/transaction lines
  2. configure data sent or received for a declaration message

Status Code and Status Group

You can define status codes and status groups which are used to model the request and response status of a declaration message. Each country and regime will have their own specific status structure when you send a declaration to customs and receive a response. Using status codes and status groups enables you to generically capture statuses from different customs organizations globally.

Auto Data Assignment

When filing declarations with customs, there may be data that you need from a filing perspective, but this data might not be related to your business. Based on the rules you define on  the Compliance Rule page, you can automatically assign data to your declarations. For example, for AES filing in the United States of America, you need to inform customs if you are performing a pre-departure or post-departure filing. You can automatically assign this data to every declaration being filed with AES so that you do not have to manually enter it. (Also see Compliance Rule: Controls.)


Filing customs using a declaration involves the following steps:

  1. Create/Add to Existing Declarations from transactions/transaction lines/declarations/declaration lines.
  2. The declaration type specified on a declaration will automatically assign a pre-defined logic configuration to the declaration. Depending on the parameters defined in a logic configuration:
    • constraint sets will be used to group similar transaction lines/declaration lines
    • constraint sets will be used to aggregate similar transaction lines/declaration lines
    • data will be copied from a source object to the declaration
  3. You also can use the following actions to edit and finalize a declaration before submitting it for filing:
  4. Run the Execute Compliance Rules  action on a declaration. The corresponding auto data assignment controls, defined for the compliance rule, are applied to the declaration. Data like remarks, reference numbers, user-defined codes, involved parties, etc. are assigned to the declaration based on the controls you defined.
  5. Perform the Estimate Duty and Taxes action to get duty and tax value for a declaration from an external data provider.
  6. Run the Set Request Status action to assign request status group and code to declaration.
  7. Generate a declaration message for a declaration.
  8. Submit the declaration message including the declaration for filing by running the File Customs action. The declaration message will be submitted with the request status of declaration.
  9. A request is sent to customs or a filing agency in an XML format.
  10. Customs sends back a response which is received by GTM.
  11. The agent action Match to Declaration will match an inbound declaration message to its corresponding declaration and also update the filing response status on the declaration.
  12. Review the declaration message response, and update the corresponding declaration with any information received from customs/filing agency by performing the action Update Declaration. Data such as an Internal Transaction Number (ITN) or Movement Reference Number (MRN) will be copied back to the declaration for use on documentation.

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