Master Data

Data Configurations

This page is accessed via:

  • Master Data > Power Data > Configurations > Data Configurations.
  • Configuration and Administration > Power Data > General> Data Configurations.

Use this page to configure the attributes and their corresponding values that you want to copy from one object to another. Depending on the configurations done on this page, data will be copied from one header to another header, or from one line to another line.

Trade transactions will be created from OTM order releases and buy/sell shipments, based on your data configuration settings when you run the Build Trade Transaction action or the Build Trade Transaction: Shipment Management action.

Data copy configuration will also be used for grouping and aggregation processes when you run the Create/Add to Existing Declarations action.

Note: Item ID information will not be copied to a declaration line if the product classification code is defined as one of the aggregation constraints.

Note: It is recommended that you do not create a configuration to copy quantity and value data from a transaction header while creating a declaration. Instead, you can first allocate transaction quantity and value to transaction lines, create a declaration, and then roll up declaration line quantity and value.


In this section, you can add basic identification information of the data configuration.

Adding a Data Configuration

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Data Configuration ID field. You will use this ID when you refer to this data configuration on other pages.
  2. Select the type of association from the Association Type drop-down list. You can select:
    • Transaction to Declaration: indicates that this configuration is used to copy data from a transaction to a declaration
    • Shipment to Transaction: indicates that this configuration is used to copy data from an OTM shipment to a transaction
    • Order Release to Transaction: indicates that this configuration is used to copy data from an OTM order release to a transaction
    • Item to Campaign: indicates that this configuration is used to copy data from an item to a campaign
    • Campaign Line to Item: indicates that this configuration is used to copy data from a campaign line to an item
    • Order Base to Order Release: indicates that this configuration is used to copy data from an order base to an order release 
  3. Select a domain in which this data configuration will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. If desired, enter additional information about the data configuration in the Description field.


Use this section to define the type of association for a data configuration, and the attributes that are to be copied.

Adding Data Configuration Attributes

Note: The options available in this drop-down list is dependent on the association you select in the previous step. Only the attributes that are eligible to be copied for a selected association will be displayed.

Note: When you select an association type 'Transaction to Declaration' and an association 'Line-Line', the 'Sub Lines' option will be available in the Attribute list. However, this option should ONLY be used when you create transaction lines from transaction lines. It should not be used when you want to create declaration lines from transaction lines.

  1. Select the required option from the Association drop-down list. You can select:
    • Header-Header: indicates that data will be copied from a source header to a target header
    • Line-Line: indicates that data will be copied from a source line to target line
  2. When you select Item to Campaign from the Association Type drop-down list, you can select the following options:
    • Trade Agreement to Campaign: indicates that data will be copied from a trade agreement to a campaign
    • Item to Campaign Line:  indicates that data will be copied from an item to a campaign line
    • Partner Item to Campaign Line: indicates that data will be copied from a partner item to a campaign line
  3. When you select Campaign Line to Item from the Association Type drop-down list, you can select the following options:
    • Campaign Line-Item Qualification: indicates that data will be copied from a campaign line to an item qualification. This data configuration attribute can be used when there is no purpose or the purpose is QUALIFICATION on the campaign type. You can configure the purpose on the Logic Configuration - GTM Campaign Configuration page.
    • Campaign Line-Item Origin: indicates that data will be copied from a campaign line to an item origin. This data configuration attribute can be used when there is no purpose or the purpose is ORIGIN on the campaign type. You can configure the purpose on the Logic Configuration - GTM Campaign Configuration page.
    • Campaign Line-Item: indicates that data will be copied from a campaign line to an item. This data configuration attribute can be used when the purpose is  ITEM purpose on the campaign type. You can configure the purpose on the Logic Configuration - GTM Campaign Configuration page.
  4. When you select Order Base to Order Release from the Association Type drop-down list, you can select the following options:
    • Header - Header: transfers order base type from order base to order release.
    • Ship Unit Release Instruction - Ship Unit: indicates that data from attributes will be copied from Order Base Ship Unit Release Instruction (column) to Ship Unit (column).

      The Number, String, and Date Flex Fields consist of attributes, where each attribute from Source Flex Fields (Ship Unit Release Instruction) is mapped to Target Flex Fields (Ship Unit). When you set the data configuration, each attribute from Ship Unit Release Instruction is copied to the corresponding attribute of Ship Unit.

      The additional attributes such as Splittable, Count Splittable, Flexible Commodity Qualifier, Flex Commodity Code for String Flex fields, and Priority for Number Flex fields are available and you can provide values for these attributes under Attributes of Order Base Line Packing Detail page. 
    • Note: To enable data to be copied from Order Base to Order Release and Ship Unit Release Instruction to Ship Unit, add the data configuration to the parameter, DATA CONFIGURATION FOR ORDER BASE LINE PACKING.

  5. Select the attribute from the Attribute drop-down list. The corresponding description is displayed in the Description field.
  6. Click Save.
  7.  Click Attribute Details to move to the next tab.

Attribute Details

In this tab, all the qualifiers that are applicable for the selected association-attribute combination are displayed. For each qualifier you can define the qualifier value, the source object from which data is to be copied, and the target object to which this data is to be copied.

Adding Data Configuration Attribute Details

  1. For each qualifier, enter the source and target objects in the Source Qualifier and Target Qualifier fields, respectively.
  2. Select the required option from the Copy Option drop-down list. The options are:
    • If Null: indicates the source value will be copied when the target value is Null or not present
    • Overwrite: indicates the source value will be copied when you want the existing target value to be overwritten
    • Append: indicates the source value will be added to the existing target value
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Finished.

Note: For the following combination:
Association Type: Shipment to Transaction
Attribute Association: Header-Header
Attribute: Service Provider,
in the Attribute Details tab, you can select a Service Provider ID as the source on shipment and an involved party qualifier as the target on transaction.
It is assumed that a contact exists with the service provider ID provided, and hence, this service provider on the shipment will be copied as an involved party (contact) against the specified involved party qualifier on the transaction.

Copy Data Configuration

This action lets you copy an existing data configuration and then use it to define a new one. When you run the action, the Data Configurations page opens containing all of the data from the copied item with the exception of the Data Configuration ID.

Copying Data Configuration:

  1. Click Copy Data Configuration.
  2. Make changes as necessary.
  3. Assign a new ID in the Data Configuration ID field.
  4. Click Finished.

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