Order Management

Order Base Line Packing Detail

This page is accessed via Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base Line > Actions > Order Management > Change Order > Order Base Line Packing. Click the New Ship Unit button.

Use this page to enter ship unit packing information and the quantity to pack for each line.

  1. Enter a Transport Handling Unit.
  2. Enter the Gross Weight per Ship Unit, Gross Volume per Ship Unit, Total Gross Weight, Total Gross Volume, Length per Ship Unit, Width per Ship Unit, Height per Ship Unit, Ship Unit Count, Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3, and Tag 4. The ship unit count and tag details are saved in the Order Base Ship Unit Release Instruction and copied to the Order Release Ship Unit.

If you leave the fields Gross Weight per Ship Unit, Gross Volume per Ship Unit, Total Gross Weight, Total Gross Volume, Length per Ship Unit, Width per Ship Unit, Height per Ship Unit blank, Oracle Transportation Management calculates the values depending on the attributes of the original order. If you leave Ship Unit Count blank, the value of this field is considered as 1.

Order Base Remarks

Remarks recorded on the original order base appear first on this page for reference.


You can also record additional remarks that are saved on the order release that is created when you complete this page by entering Quantity to Ship values for line items.

Line Items

The bottom of the page is where you decide which items to release.

  1. To release an item, enter the appropriate Ship Quantity value next to each line item and click Save.

    To release the total remaining quantity for each item, use Ship Complete. If you want to release the count that is ready to be shipped for each item, use Ship Ready Quantity.


Attributes of the Order Base Ship Unit Release Instruction are defined here.

Five attributes each for Number, String, and Date fields are available, which capture additional details for Ship Unit Release Instruction. You can define values for each attribute of Order Base Ship Unit Release Instruction. 

Note: You cannot add any attribute, but you can delete any of the attributes using the Manager Layout.

To map the attributes on the Order Base Line Packing Detail page to the respective attribute on the Attribute Details tab of Data Configurations, set the parameter, DATA CONFIGURATION FOR ORDER BASE LINE PACKING, to true. 

For example, if the "User Defined Attribute 1" is mapped to "Flexible Commodity Qualifier", and the "User Defined Attribute 2" is mapped to "Flex Commodity Code" on the Attribute Details tab of Data Configurations, you can provide values for "Flexible Commodity Qualifier" and "Flex Commodity Code" at the fields "User Defined Attribute 1" and "User Defined Attribute 2" on Order Base Line Packing Detail page.  When the order release is created, you can view these attributes along with their values on the Ship Unit results page.

Note: On this screen, provide the values of each attribute as shown:
1. Splittable and Count Splittable (String Flex Fields): Y and N
2. Flexible Commodity Qualifier (String Flex Fields): Provide valid data or else system displays an error.
3. Flex Commodity Code (String Flex Fields): The values provided for Flex Commodity Code are not validated.
4. Priority (Number Flex Fields): An appropriate numerical value.

After you click Save, you are returned to the Order Base Line Packing page to complete the process.

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