Order Management

Order Base

This page is accessed via Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base.

The Order Manager is a repository of orders that represent the requirement to move freight from one point to another from one shipping point to one consignee location. An order in Oracle Transportation Management is a generic term and does not imply direction; for example, outbound to customers or inbound from vendors. Orders are most likely created in some external order management software package or an ERP (enterprise resource planning) system such as E-Business Suite. Orders are then transmitted to Oracle Transportation Management for transportation management and planning. However, you can also enter orders directly in the system and initiate transportation planning and optimization.

Orders can be described as two distinct business objects: order base and order release. An order base represents the detailed information about the order; for example, an order ID, the involved party, scheduling information, source and destination locations, accessorials, special services, as well as the content of the order. Order content is described in terms of packaging (called ship units) or individual line items. For example, item data could be pallets of goods, bulk quantities of chemicals, or individual items.

Once an order base is entered, one or more order releases are created that signify that an order is ready for shipment. An order release represents the transportation requirements for the movement of goods. A release is a way of taking an order and dividing it into one or more individual transportation requirements that require planning and execution. A release may be a partial line of an order or several lines or several partial lines. An order release is created by releasing some amount of either a ship or line item defined on the order.

In most cases, orders are imported from external systems. To import orders, you must use the Oracle Transportation Management TransOrder interface. This interface allows you to send the order data from an external system into Oracle Transportation Management without having to manually enter the data. You can periodically send order data into Oracle Transportation Management to create new orders or update existing orders depending on their status.

OTM provides you with the ability to use a template to create a new order base. In order to do so, you must set the property glog.order_base.show_template to true. OTM will ask you to specify a template before it opens the Order Base manager.

Note: In view mode, the Order Base Line Allocation section is displayed where you can see the cost allocated to each of the order base lines that is associated with the order base. The corresponding Shipment/Bill/Invoice/Voucher view screens will also display this information.

Entering an Order Base

  1. Enter an Order Base ID. You can also have the system generate an ID using the Business Number Generator. If you leave this field blank, Oracle Transportation Management automatically assigns a default ID once the order is finished.
  2. Use the Order Type field to categorize and group like orders, such as customer orders or replenishment orders. If you assign an order type to an order, you can search for orders based on type and construct a saved query based on order type. The saved query can then be used in the Process Manager as criteria by which you can release orders.
  3. Enter a Priority if you want to differentiate some order bases as a high, medium or low priority for planning purposes. Valid values are 1-999, the higher the number, the higher the priority. You can define the upper limit of the low priority and medium priority by using parameters. This field can either be manually assigned during creation of the order base or automatically assigned based on auto assignment rule with user defined criteria. The priority is copied to the order release during releasing of the order base. If no priority is entered, the lowest priority is assigned. Note that when a priority of an order base is updated from one priority to another, existing priorities on order releases and order movements are not updated. Also when the priority of the order movement is changed, this change does not change the priority of the order base and order release. There are additional parameters to determine weighting and use of priority.
  4. Select the Use as a Template check box to mark an order as a template.
  5. Select a Domain.
  6. Select a Processing Code. This field displays the code that was sent in the TransOrder XML interface (if the order was entered via integration). The Processing Code field is blank if you manually entered an order. When you send an order via integration, you can indicate whether you want to perform planning functions via the Processing Code XML element. If you are using the Order Base - Insert agent action to build a shipment, the processing code on the order base must be "PLN".
  7. Select a configuration from the Order Configuration drop-down list. This controls whether the configuration is by line or by ship unit. If you want to create an order by ship unit, select an order configuration of either SHIP_UNITS or SHIP_UNIT_LINES. To create one by line, select one such as ONE_TO_ONE or AUTOCALC. 

Order Configuration

Line/Ship Unit Based




This configuration creates one ship unit for each order release line. When multiple transportation handling units are available, Oracle Transportation Management will choose the most efficient (best utilized). If none of the available transportation handling units are available, the packing will fail.



All lines go onto a single transport handling unit.



OTM determines the number of transport handling units to create.



Oracle Transportation Management determines the number of transport handling units to create with each having its own record.



Special case used by Integration to map TransOrder interface to the Release interface.


Ship Unit

You specify ship unit line information; OTM updates a line.


Ship Unit

You specify ship unit line information; OTM calculates ship unit totals.


Reference Numbers

Use this section to assign reference numbers.

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