Order Management

Order Configuration: Order Base

This page is accessed via This page is accessed via Order Management > Power Data > Order Configuration > Order Configuration. Then click the Order Base tab.

Use this page to define the calculation and releasing rules for the configuration you are creating. Note that all fields default to Never unless you define them differently.

The following properties are used with integration data. If the data does not include a release configuration, these tell Oracle Transportation Management which release configuration to use:


Order Base Line

If you do not fill the Weight, Volume, Total Package Count, and Packaging Unit Count fields on the Order Base Line window, the definitions on this page will be used to calculate those values based on information from other fields.

There are several fields for which you can set rules. Their calculation formulas are as follows:

  • Weight: Packaged item weight times total item count. If the packaged item is not defined in the Packaged Items section of the Item Manager (or if the packaged item defined there is different from what is defined on the Order Base Line window), add the package unit weight times the packaging unit count to the packaged item weight times the total item count.
  • Volume: Use the package unit volume times the packaging unit count or multiply the packaged unit volume times the total item count.
  • Total Package Count: Packaging unit count times count per package.
  • Packaging Unit Count: Total package count divided by count per package.

You can tell OTM to use the formulas

  • Never: The formula for that field will never be used.
  • Always: The formula for that field will always be used.
  • Only if Null: Only use the formula if there is no data in the field.

Order Base Ship Unit Line

If you have not entered data in the Total Weight, Total Volume, Total Package Count, and Packaging Unit Count fields located on the Ship Unit Line screen accessed from the Order Base Ship Unit tab, OTM will use the definitions you enter on this screen to calculate the necessary values.

There are several fields for which you can set rules. Their calculation formulas are as follows:

  • Total Weight: Generally, packaged item weight times total item count. If a packaged unit is not defined on a packaged item or if the package unit defined packaged item is different from the packaged unit used on the order base line, add the product of the package unit weight multiplied by the packaging unit count to the product of the package item weight multiplied by the total item count.
  • Total Volume: Package unit volume multiplied by packaging unit count in most cases. Also, when necessary, packaged item volume multiplied by total item count.
  • Total Package Count: Packaging unit count multiplied by count per package.
  • Packaging Unit Count: Total package count divided by count per package.

You can tell OTM to use the formulas

  • Never: The formula for that field will never be used.
  • Always: The formula for that field will always be used.
  • Only if Null: Only use the formula if there is no data in the field.

Releasing Rules

These rules determine how items are handled in an order release.

  • Allow Over Releasing: Select this check box if users can release more items than originally defined.
  • Aggregate Lines: This is valid only for order base lines, not order base ship unit lines. When this check box is selected, the packaged items with the same category will be aggregated when generating order release lines. By aggregating lines with the same packaged item category, fewer order release lines will be generated. Not all actions will work when this check box is selected. These actions include Order Base Line Packing, Ready to Ship, Release Lines, Release Remaining Order Amount, Release Total Order Amount, and Simple Ready to Ship.
  • Single Release Per Instruction: Select this option if there will be only one order release per instruction.
  • Plan From/To Type: Defines how the source/destination plan from/to fields get populated on the order based on the release instruction.
  • Buffering Supported: Controls whether releasing should consider buffering or not. If you want to use buffering then you must select this check box. On your order base line item/ship items you must define a buffering location where inventory is staged after leaving the plan from location.
  • Perform Service Time Lookup: Appears if you selected the Buffering Supported option.
  • Rate Service ID: Appears if you selected the Perform Service Time Lookup option. The delivery line order pickup window is calculated by subtracting the buffer location to plan to location service time from its delivery window. The buffer order delivery window overlaps the pickup time windows of all related delivery line orders.

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