Order Management

Simple Ready to Ship

This page is accessed via Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base Line > Actions > Order Management > Change Order > Simple Ready to Ship.

Note: This action only works when the Order Configuration has a Releasing Logic of 'One Ship Unit for All Lines'.

You can use the Simple Ready to Ship action to perform the following tasks:

  • Search for line items based on line item attributes and/or its order base assignment.
  • Edit line item attributes.
  • Review a history of the release instructions that were created for a line item.  
  • Create a new line item and assign it to an existing order base.
  • Release line items.

Use this page to create order releases based on the input of specified quantities against packaged item quantities. This page displays specific order information that vendors would typically want to review before releasing items for shipment. Various override fields appear so you can determine the quantity of a line item to ship, where to make the pickup, and to provide additional information in the form of remarks.

Note: Information from the order base is used when creating order releases from this screen. For example, the Ship Unit Specification for line items can only be defined on the order base (and this determines whether one or more order releases are created). However, the Release Type field on the order base is ignored and the type PREPACK is always assumed when releasing items from this page.

Note: This action does not work when your order configuration has the Aggregate Lines check box selected.

  1. The PO field identifies the existing purchase order that contains the line items that you selected.
  2. The Ship From & Ship To fields display address information for each respective location that were identified on the original order. You can use the Ship From Override field to change the source location. For example, you can change the place where items are to be picked up; however, you cannot alter the destination location.
  3. The Ready to Ship Early/Late Date fields specify the Early/Late Pickup dates for all items on the order (appearing at the bottom of the page). These fields act as overrides to the Early/Late Pickup Dates that are recorded for each item on the order base. If Early/Late Pickup dates were specified for an item on the original order, they appear in the Ship Early Date and Ship Late Date fields for each packaged item.
  4. Use the Total Weight and Volume fields to record the weight and/or volume of the ship unit that is used to transport the items. If you leave these fields blank, Oracle Transportation Management can calculate the values depending on the attributes of the original order.
  5. You can specify a Transport Handling Unit and Ship Unit Count (if the order is configured with Release Method of PREPACK). If you enter a ship unit count, Oracle Transportation Management calculates the unit weight and unit volume as:
    • Total weight (of all the Lines) / Ship unit count
    • Total volume (of all the Lines) / Ship unit count

Purchase Order Remarks

Remarks recorded on the original purchase order appear first on this page for reference.

Note: Remarks that you record are not saved on the original purchase order.

Order Release Remarks

You can also record additional remarks that are saved on the order release that is created when you complete this page by entering Quantity to Ship values for line items.

Note: Remarks that you record are not saved on the original purchase order.

Release Items

The bottom of the page is where you decide which items to release. Each Packaged Item that you selected on the Results page appears with the Ordered Quantity specified on the original purchase order. The Remaining Quantity column shows calculated values based on previous release instructions that were created for the order.

The Early Pickup and Late Pickup dates (if displayed) are those dates recorded for the item on original purchase order. If no dates were specified on the purchase order, these fields are blank and it is assumed that the items can be picked up at any time. You can enter or override these pickup dates by supplying Ready to Ship Early/Late Dates earlier on this page.

  1. To release an item, enter the appropriate Ship Quantity value next to each line item and click Save. You can also release the total remaining quantity for each item by clicking Ship Complete, then Save.
  2. After you click Save, Oracle Transportation Management creates the appropriate order releases containing one ship unit, which can be viewed or edited.
  3. Click Cancel to stop the transaction and return to the Search page.
  4. Click Reset to erase all current entries on the page.

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