Order Management

Order Configuration: Header

This page is accessed via Order Management > Power Data > Order Configuration > Order Configuration.

The Order Configuration Manager determines how ship units are created on order bases and releases and how calculations are to be performed when an order is being built. For example, if you have several line items placed into a single carton (ship unit), the order configuration you define will tell OTM where the data resides that is needed for calculated fields.

Adding An Order Configuration

  1. Enter an ID for the Order Configuration in the Order Configuration ID field.
  2. Enter a description in the Description field.
  3. Select the domain where this configuration will be active in the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Use the Order Base/Release Creation drop-down list to define whether the order will be based on line items or ship units.

    Note: This drop-down list is only present when you are creating a new configuration. This field cannot be edited after the order configuration is created and saved. This choice will also determine which fields appear on the Order Configuration - Order Release tab.

  5. If you selected Line in the previous step, use the Ship Unit Creation field to define if and when ship units will be created - when the order is created or when the user initiates an action.
  6. Select a Release Qualifier. This determines how OTM defines "over release": By count, weight, or volume.
  7. Click Order Base to move to the Order Base tab.

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