Order Management

Order Base Line Packing

This page is accessed via Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base Line > Actions > Order Management > Change Order > Order Base Line Packing.

Use this page to specify packing information for order base lines from multiple order bases. When you complete this page, there will be one order release with multiple ship units containing ship unit lines from multiple order base lines.

Note: You can customize any field on this page using the Manager Layout.

Tips and Considerations

Note: This action only works for order configurations where the releasing logic is set to "One Ship Unit for All Lines". The public order configuration "Instructed Prepack" which has the Releasing Logic set to "One Ship Unit for All Lines" has been provided for you. It is recommended that you use this order configuration if you are using the "Order Base Line Packing" action and Simple Ready to Ship.

Note: This action does not work when your order configuration has the Aggregate Lines check box selected.

Order Header

The fields in this section override the corresponding fields in the line items when you generate an order release.

  1. Use the Source Location Override and Destination Location Override fields to change the source location and destination locations, respectively. For example, you can change the place where items are to be picked up.
  2. If multiple order bases are selected, you can select which one is the Master Order Base. When an order release is created, the information in the master order base, such as the order configuration, will be used for the order release.
  3. The Early Pickup Date/Late Pickup Date fields override the pickup dates for the order.
  4. If you enter a Ship With Group it will be copied to the order release. If you do not specify a ship with group, the one on the master order base will be used.
  5. Enter an Early Delivery Date/Late Delivery Date to override the delivery dates for the order.

Line Items

In this section you decide which items to pack together and release. Each packaged item that you select displays with the ordered quantity specified on the original order base. The remaining quantity column shows calculated values based on previous release instructions that were created for the order.

The early pickup and late pickup dates (if displayed) are those dates recorded for the item on original purchase order. If no dates were specified on the order base, these fields are blank and it is assumed that the items can be picked up at any time. You can enter or override these pickup dates in the Order Header section of this page.

  1. To pack items together and release them, select the packaged items and click the New Ship Unit button. The Order Base Line Packing Detail page opens, where you will enter the release instructions.

Add Order Base Lines allows you to add order base lines if you missed an order base line before running this action. When you select the order base lines, OTM validates if the lines are as per the order configuration (detailed under Tips_and_Considerations of this section). 

Release Instructions

After you create the release instructions by clicking the New Ship Unit page, you can Delete them or click Finished.

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