Order Management

Release Remaining Order Amount

This page is accessed via Order Base Ship Unit actions (accessed via Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base Ship Unit).

Use this action to release the remaining amount of an order that has not been released based on the total ordered amount. For example, if you have an order with a Total Packaged Count or Ship Unit Count of 10 units, and you have already released 5 units, this action will create a release instruction and order release for the remaining 5 units.

  • For a ship unit, the value in the Ship Unit Count field is released and the appropriate Release status is assigned.
  • Since you can release a line item based on Weight, Volume, or Count, this action uses the current setting of the RELEASING QUAL parameter to determine how the line item is released.

Note: This action does not work when your order configuration has the Aggregate Lines check box selected.


Related Topics

Order Base Ship Unit Actions