Order Management

Order Base: Other Attributes

This page is accessed via Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base. Click the Other Attributes tab.

  1. Enter a Dim Rate Factor to be used at the order base level for allocation purposes when allocating by dimensional weight. All order releases and order release lines defined under an order base will be for a single business unit and will abide by the Dim Rate Factor defined on the order base. If no dim factor is defined on the order base, then the Dimensional Weight allocation method will use the dim factor defined on the rate offering.
  2. The Planning Group can be used to categorize orders for bulk planning purposes.
  3. Use the Payment Method Code field to identify the conditions for payment (information only).

    Note: The payment method that you choose is copied to the shipment that is built for the order. However, you can also specify the payment method on the leg of an itinerary and that ID would be copied to the shipment (overriding the ID that is specified on the order). Payment method codes can also be copied to individual shipment cost records.

    The copying of payment method codes to a shipment is controlled by the SET PAYMENT TERMS ON BUILT SHIPMENTS parameter.

  4. Select the Known Shipper check box if the SHIPPER Involved Party Location (which is determined by the contact that is assigned as the SHIPPER Involved Party) on the order is qualified as a Known Shipper and Oracle Transportation Management ensures that this order is planned on a cargo flight only. If you select the check box, it is an override for any value associated with the SHIPPER Involved Party Location.

    Shippers are considered unknown if they have not filed the appropriate paperwork and gained permission to ship goods on passenger flights. Goods transported by these shippers must be placed on cargo flights.

    If the Known Shipper check box is not selected on the order base and there is a SHIPPER Involved Party Location, then Oracle Transportation Management will go to that location and copy the Known Shipper value from the location to the Order Base. The Order Release Results page also displays a column that shows whether the order has a Known Shipper location.

    When the order base Known Shipper check box is true (selected), the order release Known Shipper check box will also be selected. When the order base Known Shipper check box is not selected (false), the order release Known Shipper check box will not be cleared right away. Instead a check will be run on the involved party and contact for all the known shipper values. Even if a single false is found, the Known Shipper check box will be set to false for the order release. If all the known shipper values are true, then OTM will set the value of the Known Shipper check box (set to true) at the order release level. This is also the behavior when the order release is created without any reference to an order base.
  5. Enter Incoterms to give a clear picture of rights and responsibilities during the delivery process.
  6. Use the Incoterm Location field to specify additional location information for the applicable Incoterms. For example, typically the FOB Incoterm specifies additional location information that determines a service provider's responsibilities to a specific delivery point. You can use both the Incoterms and Incoterm Location fields to create an Incoterm profile that you can assign to itineraries.

    Note: The Incoterms and Incoterm Location are copied to any shipment that is created from the order.

  7. You can specify locations that serve as Stuffing and Destuffing points for orders that require unitization. You can manually constrain the stuffing/destuffing locations directly on the order or rely on a Unitization Rule to populate these fields on the resulting container groups that are created and assigned to consol shipment.
  8. Enter a Stowage Mode if you want to constrain the order to use a specific voyage stowage mode. Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and have one selected using stowage mode preference rules.
  9. Enter a Unitization Condition Name. Unitization is a grouping of orders into transport units of which the most common is a container. The need for grouping may arise from customers requiring that their orders be delivered in containers, or consignors or sea carriers containerizing orders for achieving transportation efficiencies.
  10. If you want to request that an order is to be delivered in containers, select the Customer Unitization Request check box to constrain this order to go through the unitization process when you book this order on a charter voyage.


  1. Enter an Accessorial if you want Oracle Transportation Management to apply the accessorial charges to the rate that is used to calculate shipping costs for the order. The order releases that are created from the order inherit the accessorial assignments so that the appropriate cost calculations can be made during shipment planning.
  2. Click Save for each accessorial you enter.

Special Services

  1. Enter a Special Service such as a specific shipping requirement or delivery constraint. This assignment limits the rates that can be used, to only those that support the special service that you assign to the order.
  2. Click Save for each special service you enter.

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