Remove Transactions/Declarations from Declarations

This page is accessed via:

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Manage Declarations > Remove from Declarations
  • Customs > Declarations > Actions > Manage Declarations > Remove Declarations from Declarations

Note: This action cannot be run on a declaration created using the old Create Customs Shipment action.

Use this action to remove a trade transaction from a declaration, or a declaration from another declaration.

If a trade transaction line is removed after a declaration is created from it, this action will remove the trade transaction line from the declaration.

It might be the case that a declaration consists of a single transaction/declaration. Removing that transaction/declaration might render the declaration empty. This action also provides an option to remove any such empty declaration.

Removing Transactions/Declarations from Declarations

  1. Select the check box corresponding to the declaration from which you want to remove the transaction/declaration.
    Enter a query ID in the Saved Query field. This will specify the declaration from which this transaction/declaration is to be removed.

Note: If you use a saved query for this action or the agent action for a transaction, the query will be executed for each of the lines present on the transaction to check which declaration it belongs to.

Note: If a declaration is not specified, the selected transaction/declaration will be removed from all declarations where it is present.

  1. Select the Remove Empty Declaration check box if you want to delete an empty declaration.
  2. Click Remove.

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