Descartes Integration for Data Loading

Although other content providers can provide data to Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM), a pre-packaged integration with Descartes is available. As with other content providers, Descartes provides content such as restricted party lists and classification data.

The pre-packaged integration with Descartes provides:

  • A direct integration with Descartes to download the latest content
  • A process for loading and converting externally formatted data into GTM
  • Implementation of the data load is via Java, SQL*Loader or PL/SQL
  • Options within Process Management that enable you to schedule and run the data load process

GTM ships with an example of a content source for Descartes called ‘CUSTOMS INFO’. This content source includes a pre-defined list of content source data types.  It also includes both restricted party data and classification data. Within this content source are examples of data that can be downloaded from Descartes. If Descartes is your content provider and you do not see a Content Type for the content you want to receive, you can follow the instructions in this document to set up GTM to receive the content including:

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