Troubleshooting the Data Load Process

The following are common issues and recommended solutions:



  1. Which Log File Details should I enable to troubleshoot the download process

Enable Log File Details = ‘GTMDataLoad’. If more details are needed, include Log File Details = ‘Sql’.

  1. How do I set up a new list in GTM that is not part of the out-of-the box content

When setting up a new list, you need to ensure the following data is created: Content Type, Data Load Type, Product Classification Type, and add a row to the Content Source Data Type section in the existing Content Source you are using.

  1. Can I download classification data such as an export-specific list (ie. Export-specific list for Japan)

Some countries have multiple HTS lists that customers may want to receive. You need to create the data as specified in issue #1. In addition, you need to ensure the Data Type in the status document from the content provider is the same as the Source Data Type in the Content Set Detail. For example, for an export-specific list, the Source Data Type in the Content Source Data Type = HTS-EX.

  1. Data is not downloading from my content provider and I have set up everything listed in issue #1

  • Verify that the Source Data Type on the Content Set Detail is the same as the Data_Type on the status document of the content vendor. Refer to the Content Set section for more details.

  • Verify that the Loading Process Details in the Data Load Type is for the proper classification category (i.e. if you are adding an HTS code, the Loading Process Details should be specific to HTS code). This can be copied from another similar code. Refer to the Data Load Type section for more details.

  1. I am getting an error when trying to load new data

Make sure that the setup of the following data is correct and follows the recommended naming conventions:

  • Content Type

  • Content Source

  • Data Load Type

  • Product Classification Type

  1. I am seeing the same product classification code for a specific product classification type multiple times

To ensure you are only seeing one active set of records for a product classification type/product classification code combination, make sure you only have one data version marked as ‘active.’

  1. I am not sure when to look at the Content Set and when I should look at the Data Loading records

You can view the Content Set to see the status of the entire download. You can also see the available date and the retrieve date for the content set. Within the content set, you will see a row in the content set detail for each Data Load. Each Data Load is for one particular content type. For example, within a content set, you would have a separate content set detail for HTS-EU, ECCN-US, or Restricted Party. For a particular row, or Data Load, you can see if the download was successful or not. If some of the records did not load properly, you can click the Data Load ID to see more details such as Number of Records, how many processed correctly, and how many errors are there. Also, the Log Process ID is displayed so that you can view the logs to get more information on errors.


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