Shipment Management

Individual Counts

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > SKU. From the results page, right-click the ID to open SmartLinks and select Individual Counts.

The Individual Counts SmartLink displays detailed information about the selected SKU record, including the SKU descriptor values and any involved parties that have been set up to receive notifications about changes to the SKU record.


  • SKU ID: uniquely identifies the SKU.
  • Packaged Item ID: the ID of the packaged item tracked by the SKU.
  • Warehouse ID: identifies the current warehouse location of the item.
  • Supplier ID: identifies the supplier of the item.
  • Owner ID: identifies the owner of the item.
  • Ship Unit Spec ID: identifies the how the material will be shipped (for example, on a pallet).
  • Quantity On Hand: the total quantity of the item available in the warehouse.
  • Maximum Level: the largest quantity of the item that can be stocked.
  • Minimum Level: the smallest quantity of the item that can be stocked.
  • Reorder Level: the quantity at which more of the item should be ordered.
  • Average Cost: the average cost of the item.
  • Maximum Receipt: the largest quantity of the item that can be received at one time.
  • Last Inventory Date: the most recent date on which the quantities of this SKU were changed.
  • Average Age: the average number of days that an item in the SKU has been in inventory.
  • Indicator
  • Status: To view the status types and values for this SKU record, click Status.
  • Description: a brief description of the item.
  • Domain Name: the domain in which this SKU data is saved.

SKU Descriptors

The SKU descriptor values, if any, are listed in a hierarchy of folders. SKU descriptors are customer-specific categories that define and organize the quantities in SKU records.

  • To view or hide the contents of a folder, click its boxed plus sign (+) or minus sign (-).
  • To view or hide the contents of all the folders, click expand all or collapse all.

Involved Parties

The Involved Parties will be notified via the Communication Method whenever a specified change to this SKU record occurs. The Involved Party Qualifier specifies the type of contact.

You can modify the involved parties in the Edit Results page for a SKU record. Instructions for creating an automation agent to notify involved parties of specified SKU events are also provided on the SKU Edit Results help page.

Note: For involved parties to be notified of changes to SKU records, at least one automation agent must be created for that purpose.

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