Machine Learning

Compare Prediction Results

This page is accessed via:

  • Logistics Machine Learning > Machine Learning Results > Shipment Prediction Results. Search for and select prediction results and click Compare Prediction Results
  • Logistics Machine Learning > Machine Learning Results > Order Routing Prediction Results. Search for and select prediction results and click Compare Prediction Results

Note: Use of an external service to connect to IoT IA services has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. IoT IA is being replaced by Embedded Learning.

Note: The actions Load Data into Analytics, and Perform Training must be completed before running this action.

Shipment Prediction Results

The action shows you the machine learning service predictions for all of the selected shipments so you can compare them side-by-side.

When you run this action, the Shipment Prediction page opens and may include the following information:

  • Project ID
  • Scenario ID
  • Shipment ID
  • Event ID (depending on the Scenario Objective Model Type selected on the Perform Prediction input screen): This is the tracking event ID.
  • Model Accuracy: This is the accuracy of the prediction displayed in a percentage.
  • Predictions: This column lists the predicted transit time (09H 00M 00S) of the shipment.
  • Prediction Low Value: This field displays the ideal transit time (08H 30M 00S) if there are no shipment delays.
  • Prediction High Value: This field displays the transit time (09H 30M 00S) if there are no shipment delays.

Click the arrow to view more shipment details, such as the planned, predicted, and actual values for the following:

  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Transit Time, and
  • Deviation (between the planned and predicted values versus the shipment actuals).

Order Routing Prediction Results

The action shows you the machine learning service predictions for all of the selected shipments so you can compare them side-by-side.

When you run this action, the Order Routing Prediction page opens and may include the following information:

  • Project ID
  • Scenario ID
  • Object ID ID
  • Prediction High Path: the From Location ID and To Location ID

Click the arrow to view more order routing details:

  • From Location ID
  • To Location ID

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