Logistics Network Modeling

Modeling Project

This page is accessed via Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Project.

The Logistics Network Modeling (LNM) project is designed to compare the cost of sourcing a representative set of daily order releases to different source and/destination locations. For example, you can compare orders from two different distribution center locations - DC1 which is located in Ontario CA USA and DC2 - located in Compton CA USA. The two DC operations are roughly 50 miles away from each other and are both viable locations for this DC. The goal is to model and compare the different transportation cost - in terms of miles, hours and dollars - associated with servicing the representative set of orders from these two source locations.

The Modeling Project screen consists of modeling project details and a grid with all the modeling scenarios associated with the project. A modeling project can consist of multiple scenarios each modeling something a little different. Then you can compare all the scenarios. For example, you could have a project to evaluate the order source location and see what would happen if you changed the source location of your orders. You can create separate scenarios, one to match your existing scenario, one to show a different source location and another scenario to show yet another source location. The modeling project allows you to group these and see all the results together.

Adding a Modeling Project

The Modeling Project ID, Modeling Project Name, Description, and Domain Name describe the project. The rest of the fields, if populated, act as a default for the scenarios defined under the project.

  1. Enter a Modeling Project ID field. Add a meaningful Modeling Project ID for your project. There is a strong possibility that you will generate many projects with slightly different objectives. So having a good way to identify and differentiate between your many projects based on the ID will become very beneficial. An example Modeling Project ID could be DC1 VS DC2.
  2. Enter a Modeling Project Name. Add a descriptive name for your project. An example Modeling Project Name could be COMPARE ORDER SOURCING FROM DC1 V DC2.
  3. Enter a Description for this project that captures the purpose of this project and the scenarios involved.
  4. Enter a Parameter Set ID. The Parameter Set ID is used in the Scenario Bulk Plan and Scenario Work Assignment Optimization. If specified here, it is the default value for all scenarios for this project.
  5. Select a Modeling Project Type. Options are Shipment Planning or Work Assignment. This determines the Saved Query Type that you can select.
  6. Select a Saved Query Type. Options are Order ReleaseOrder Movement, or Shipment. This defines the query that can be selected in the Saved Query ID. OTM ignores all scenario level itinerary constraints when planning order movements in a scenario.
  7. Enter a Saved Query ID. This defines the input orders releases, order movements, or shipments for the Scenario Bulk Plan and Scenario Work Assignment Optimization. If specified, it is the default value for all scenarios for this project.
  8. Optionally, select an Itinerary ID or Itinerary Profile ID. These work in tandem, and connect to the order's fixed itinerary and fixed itinerary profile. Note the following:
    • If there is an itinerary constraint on order release, we will ignore the itinerary constraints on Modeling Scenario and Modeling Project. Similarly, if there is an itinerary profile constraint on order release, we will ignore the itinerary profile constraints on Modeling Scenario and Modeling Project.
    • Itinerary constraint on Modeling Scenario will override the itinerary constraint on Modeling Project. Similarly, Itinerary profile constraint on Modeling Scenario will override the itinerary profile constraint on Modeling Project.
    • Note that data rules are applied before analyzing the itinerary and itinerary profile constraints, to be established on order releases, for scenario planning. Itinerary and itinerary profile constraints are ignored for order-movement based scenario planning.
    • Itinerary and itinerary profile constraints are finalized on order releases using above mechanism. Itinerary constraint will override itinerary profile constraint, if order release has both constraints.
  9. You can view or add Modeling Scenarios.
  10. Click Finished after adding the required details to save the Modeling Project.

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