Logistics Network Modeling

Logistics Network Modeling Configuration

Logistics Network Modeling (LNM) can be run in a number of different configurations. How and where you choose to run LNM will be mostly determined by the types of modeling you intend to do. Below are just a few options you might consider for running LNM:

  • Run LNM on the same Production or Test instances you run OTM – either in a separate LNM domain (with no access to your operational data) or in a separate domain with read access to your existing operational data.
    • This is a good option if you plan to use LNM to do quick daily simulations of today's or yesterday's operation.
  • Run LNM on a separate test instance – typically this setup will involve performing a Production to Test (P2T) move of your production data to your LNM instance.
    • This is a good option if you intend to use LNM for more involved projects that involve large amounts of data and require the running of a large number of bulk plans. For example, running a project that involves a daily bulk plan simulation run covering a year’s worth of order data.

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