Logistics Network Modeling

Logistics Network Modeling Move Production Data to Test

When you run Logistics Network Modeling (LNM) on a separate test server, you may need to perform a Production to Test (P2T) move of your production data to your LNM server. Follow these steps to move data from your production instance to your test (LNM) server. This process includes the following steps:

  1. Bulk move of production data to test.
  2. Periodic incremental data moves from production to test.

Bulk Move of Production Data to Test

If you have already set up LNM on your test server, but you want to run LNM with the bulk of OTM data from your production server, you can copy the bulk of OTM data from production to test. First, save the LNM and LNM related data from your test server. Then, copy the entire database from the production server to the test server. Finally, restore the LNM setup by importing the saved LNM and LNM related data back onto the test server.

Back up LNM and LNM Related Data on Test Server

Since your LNM test server has different data than production, you should save that data by backing up all LNM and LNM related data on the test server. To do this you first export your LNM data and then export LNM related OTM configuration data as follows:

Back up LNM Data

To backup your LNM data, export a migration project using the PUBLIC Migration Project ID of LNM EXPORT BASIC. Refer to Migration Project Export and Migration Process using Zip Files for details on exporting a migration project.

Back up LNM Related OTM Configuration Data

The PUBLIC LNM migration project, LNM EXPORT BASIC, only exports LNM configuration data such as projects, scenarios, and data rules. Any OTM configuration data referenced by LNM such as parameter sets, itineraries, and saved queries, if they are specific to the test server and do not exist in the production server, should be exported using a separate migration project that you define.

Copy Production Database to Test Server

Next, you need to copy the entire database from your production server to your test server.

Import Backed up LNM and LNM Related Data to the Test Server

Since the latest LNM data resided on the test (LNM) server and you backed it up, you need to restore the LNM and LNM related data back to the test server:

Note: Run the above step first!

  • To import the original LNM data, run Migration Project Import using the PUBLIC Migration Project ID of LNM IMPORT BASIC.

Incremental Move of Production Data to Test

Periodically, you will need to move new data from your production server to your test (LNM) server. These processes can be set up to run automatically and include moving OTM configuration data and moving OTM transactional data.

Move OTM Configuration Data

You move OTM configuration data from your production server to your test server using a migration project. You create the migration project on your Production instance and make sure the key OTM screen sets are included in the migration project. You can add each screen set and create a saved query to pull in the appropriate object IDs.

Key OTM screen sets may include the following (% indicates a group of screen sets that start with the same first word):

  • GEO%
  • HNAME%
  • HOS%
  • ITEM
  • LANE%
  • LEG%
  • LOGIC%
  • MODE%
  • THU%
  • X_LANE

You can schedule this process to run periodically every week or every month.

You can use the Migration Process using Web Service which streams data via Web service that runs on your test server and pulls data from your production server.

Move OTM Transactional Data

Finally, you move the OTM transactional data from the production server to the test server as follows.

Note: The Data query and automation agent are set up and run on the production server.

  1. Create a user-defined agent event similar to the following example. You will define this agent event based on the data that you are moving.
    1. Go to Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management > Agent Events.
    2. Enter an Agent Event ID.
    3. Select a Data Query Type of ORDER RELEASE.
    4. User-defined Event is selected by default.
  2. Create a data query to raise a user-defined agent event when a particular data condition is met.
    1. Create a data query similar to the following example. You will define this query based on the data that you are moving.
    2. Go to Business Process Automation > Process Management > Business Process Automation > Data Query.
    3. Select a Data Query Type of ORDER RELEASE and click Go.
    4. Select a Based on saved query already created.
    5. In the Raise Event selection box, select the user-defined agent event already created.
    6. Next to Notify, select an OTM contact ID.
    7. Optionally, enter a Subject and Header for the notification email.
    8. Select the Schedule option schedule the process to run later by filling in the schedule fields.
  3. Create an External System for the Test server. Populate the "For HTTP/HTTPS" section or the "Web Service" section in order for the transmissions to be handled.
  4. Create an automation agent. The agent should listen to the user-defined agent event raised by the data query. It should send the interface transmission to the external system. Below is the set up for an example agent:
    1. Go to Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.
    2. Enter an Agent ID.
    3. Select an Agent Type of ORDER RELEASE.
    4. Select the Active option.
    5. Enter the user-defined agent event created above in Step #1 with no restrictions.
    6. Click View/Enter Actions.
    7. Add an action of SEND INTEGRATION: TO EXTERNAL SYSTEM which is created above in Step #3.

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