Location Appointment Scheduling Preference

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Location Manager. Click the Resource tab. Click the New button in the Location Appointment Scheduling Preference section.
  • Operational Planning > Appointment Management > Dock and Yard Manager. Click the Resource tab. Click the New button in the Location Appointment Scheduling Preference section.

You can use this page to establish preferences for each service provider that schedules appointments at this location. Further details are provided in the location service provider preference details.

Defining a Location Appointment Scheduling Preference

  1. Enter an ID for the location service provider preference.
  2. Enter a Service Provider.
  3. Enter a Service Location. Service location is a location that specifies appointment preferences against another location. For example, service location Vendor-ABC prefers morning appointments at delivery location XYZ. You would set up location ABC as a service location on the appointment scheduling preference for location XYZ.

    For multi-stop shipment scenarios, OTM first checks the activity being performed at the current stop. If it is a delivery, OTM looks at the shipment’s first pickup stop location to determine its service location. For pickups, OTM looks at the shipment’s last delivery stop location to determine its service location.
  4. Enter the maximum number of appointments that can be made per day in the Max Appointments Per Day field.
  5. Select a Domain from the drop-down list.

Location Appointment Scheduling Preference Details

  1. Click New to define location service provider details.

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