Location Appointment Scheduling Preference Details

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Location Manager. Click the Resource tab. Click the New button in the Location Appointment Scheduling Preference Details section.
  • Operational Planning > Appointment Management > Dock and Yard Manager. Click the Resource tab. Click the New button in the Location Appointment Scheduling Preference Details section.

For each service provider for which you establish location preferences, you can also establish details for those preferences. These preferences deal with the preferred day and time to establish an appointment with that service provider in that location.

Adding Location Appointment Scheduling Preference Details

  1. Indicate the day of the week by entering a Day of Cycle. This field references the cycle defined by the calendar on the Resource tab of the location. For example, on a calendar with the Days in Cycle field set to 7 and the Start Date being 1/1/2006, all the Sundays are day 1, since 1/1/2006, the Start Date is Sunday and the calendar has 7 days in cycle. With a different Start Date or Days in Cycle, day 1 will vary accordingly.
  2. Enter the Preference Level. The lower the number, the higher the level of preference for that time slot. When scheduling an appointment, the location with the higher level of preference is considered first.
  3. Select a Start Time from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter an End Time from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the Standing Appointment check box if you want this resource to be consistently linked with a service provider or service location. If the check box is not selected then other service providers can book the resource and time.
  6. Restrict the number of appointments that this service provider can make at this day and time by entering the maximum number of appointments in the Max Appointments Per Day field.

    Note: If a service provider has service locations specified, the max appointments per day for that service provider/service location does not factor into the max appointments for the same service provider that has no service location.

    For example, you have a service provider SP and a service location of LOC with a max appointment value of 2. You also have a record for the service provider SP without a service location. This second record has a max appointment value of 5. The 2 from the first record is not considered part of the 5 from the second record. So you could have two appointments with the same service provider in the location LOC, and up to 5 more with the same service provider with no service location specified.

  7. Select a Location Resource from the drop-down list to indicate which location resource will have defined standing appointments.
  8. Click Save.

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