Shipment Management

Map Inbound/Outbound Shipments

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Location Manager > Actions > Location Management > Map > Map Inbound Shipments
  • Shipment Management > Location Manager > Actions > Location Management > Map > Map Outbound Shipments.

Note: The use of advanced layouts has been deprecated as of the 6.4.3 release. These actions now use an enhanced workbench layout and works as described in this topic.

Note: To create a new workbench layout for this action, refer to Setting up a Layout for use with an OTM Action.

Use this action to graphically display one or more shipments (as many as you like) and related shipments on a map based on the location that you selected on the Location Results page.

Use the Range From and Range To fields to specify a time window that limits the shipments that appear on the map. The system compares your entries with the Start and End Time fields on each shipment and displays the matching shipments as follows:

  • If you choose the Map Inbound Shipments action, the End Time of the shipment must be equal to or fall between the dates defined in the date ranges.
  • If you choose the Map Outbound Shipment action, the Start Time of the shipment must be equal to or fall between the dates defined in the date ranges.

These actions use the VIEW SHIPMENTS workbench layout. See the Using an Enhanced Workbench Table and Using an Enhanced Workbench Map topics for details on interacting with this workbench layout.

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