Configuration and Administration

Using an Enhanced Workbench Table

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench. Select an existing layout. The Workbench Layout list will show both enhanced and legacy layout IDs. The legacy layout IDs are marked with an asterisk. While these layouts can be viewed in the Enhanced Workbench, they cannot be edited. Any legacy layouts that you view in the Enhanced Workbench uses all of the enhanced layout icons. You can convert legacy layouts to enhanced layouts using the Workbench Manager actions.

After you design layouts for a workbench, you can use the workbench by selecting the layout from the drop down list.

Icons and Buttons

Workbench layouts featuring a table pane include these general icons and buttons. The icons may varying depending on whether the table is a the main table or detail table.

  • Actions: Run the standard actions for this object type. There may be additional actions to integrate the business object with the other components in the layout. On a shipment table, you have actions from the screen set selected when defining this table. For example, when using the standard Shipment screen set, the actions will be for buy shipments.
  • View: You can configure which table columns to show/hide, the order in which the columns appear, and the width of the columns.
    • Columns: To change the orders of the columns in the table. Drag the Column move icon icon either up or down to move a column. Click Apply, Cancel, or Restore as appropriate. If you Apply changes, click Save Configuration to save your changes. User-defined screen sets are updated when you click Save Configuration.
    • Configure Results: Allows you to permanently change which columns are shown or hidden in the table and save the changes to the screen set. To see the Configure Results list item, the table must use a user-defined screen set and be set up per the instructions in the Configure Results help topic.
    • Save Configuration: You can resize, reorder, and hide/unhide columns in the table as necessary. Then, click Save Configuration to save your changes. User-defined screen sets are updated when you click Save Configuration. To see the Save Configuration list item, the table must use a user-defined screen set and be set up per the instructions in the Configure Results help topic.
    • Freeze/Unfreeze: To freeze all columns to the left of a column, select the column and click View > Freeze. Then, in the table if you scroll to the right, all frozen columns remain visible.
    • Saved Groups: Click Saved Groups to change how the records are grouped in the table. In the Saved Groups dialog box, you can select a saved group that was created for this table. Then, click OK to apply the saved group.
  • Add records to a workbench table (Add): Opens a search page that lets you find a business object. Then, you can add it to the table using a search results page.
  • Replace rows in a workbench table (Replace): Opens a search page that lets you find a business object. Then, you can replace the rows in the table with any rows that you just selected using a search results page.
  • Remove a business object from the workbench table. (Remove): Removes a business object from the table.
  •  New icon to add a new business object to OTM (New): Opens a pop-up with the manager layout that lets you add a new business object. For example, add a new item. Select the New check box on the screen set to see this icon on your workbench table. 

    This icon does not appear for detail tables.
  • Edit icon to edit an existing business object to OTM (Edit): Opens a pop-up with the manager layout that lets you edit an existing business object. For example, edit an item. Select the Edit check box on the screen set to see this icon on your workbench table. 
  • Delete icon to delete an existing business object to OTM (Delete): Opens a pop-up with the manager layout that lets you delete an existing business object. For example, delete an item. Select the Delete check box on the screen set to see this icon on your workbench table.
  • Refresh the data in the workbench table. (Refresh): If you changed data in the records in the table, select those records and click Refresh to populate that changed data in the table. Only selected rows will be refreshed. If records were removed from the table, you must rerun the saved search.
  • Saved Query drop-down: Select a saved query to populate the table. If you deselect the Saved Query check box on the screen set, the Saved Search drop-down list is read only. If you use the Limited Saved Queries on the screen set, you can limit the contents of Saved Query drop-down list to only those saved queries added to Limited Saved Queries grid. See below for an explanation on how the Limited Saved Queries work with the default saved query specified for the table.


    Work Queue: Runs a GTM work queue that populates the table.
  • Rerun Search icon to rerun the saved query on the workbench table. (Rerun Search): Rerun the selected saved search.
  • Table Parameters icon (Table Parameters): Allows you to temporarily control the contents and look of the table. This is available on both parent and detail tables.
  • Revert icon (Revert): Undo changes made during inline editing for layouts in View mode only.
  • Save icon (Save): Save changes made during inline editing for layouts in View mode only.
  • Export icon to export to Microsoft Excel Export (to Microsoft Excel): Displays the results of your query in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The total number of records selected or all records appears as a result of the search criteria entered. Click All to export all records returned by the search criteria. Or, click Selected to export only the selected records.

    You can change the format of the file by setting the UI Configuration Logic Configuration parameter of EXPORT FORMAT.

    You can then open the file in Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet is a .xls file and if you have a later version of Microsoft Excel, you will see a warning message when opening the document. In the resulting spreadsheet, the column headings are the same as those that would appear on the Results page (as defined in the screen set) if you performed a standard search. Note: Columns with images only, such as Show in Map and Show in Gantt, are not included in the spreadsheet.
  • Icon to select text from with the table and copy it. (Select Text): Select text from with the table and copy it. You can then paste it somewhere else. To always see this icon, turn drag-and-drop off on Workbench Logic Configuration.
  • Ungroup combined table icon (Ungrouped Combined Table): Click to ungroup the records in the table and shown them as a single list. This icon appears only on grouped combined detail tables.
  • Group combined table icon (Grouped Combined Table): Click to group the records in the table. This icon appears only on grouped combined detail tables.
  • Run Analytics icon (Run Analytics): Send the selected table rows to the Dashboard, Data Visualization, and/or Transactional Reports analytics panes. Only usable if there are one or more analytics panes in the workbench.
  • Mass Update icon (Mass Update): (Mass Update): Opens the Mass Update popup that allows you to make changes to multiple records at once.
  • Filter icon (Filter): Click to see the Filter text box. Type 1 or more characters on which to filter data by in the table. Filters only that data that currently appears in the table and applies to all fields except images and indicators. The data in the table is automatically filtered as you type.
  • Collapse/Expand Tabs: Click Collapse Tab icon to hide the tabs shown in the pane. Click Expand Tab icon to show the tabs again.
  • Expose pane icon (Expose pane): If the table is too small, click Expose Pane. The table will expand to fill the screen. Clicking the icon again will return it to the default size.
  • Content Details icon (Content Details): Click to display the content details of the tab. This page is read only. Click to Go back to content details icon go back to the actual workbench region.
  • Add All to Map icon (Add All to Map): This icon appears in the header row of a table if you have defined the table to show the map column. When you click this, all the records in the table are added to the map. Clicking this a second time removes all the records from the map.
  • Add All to Gantt icon (Add All to Gantt): This icon appears in the header row of a table if you have defined the table to show the Gantt column. When you click this, all the records in the table are added to the Gantt chart. Clicking this a second time removes all the records from the Gantt chart. In some instances this icon changes to In Gantt where it is a non-clickable icon that indicates if an object, for example a buy shipment, has been added to either the Driver or Work Assignment Gantt. See Gantt charts for more explanation.
  • Lock View icon (Lock/Unlock View): By default, the lock icon is shown as open (Lock View). When you click the lock icon to lock a detail table, the icon is shown as closed (Unlock View icon). Click the Lock View icon to lock that detail table and keep results; then, if you click another row in the main table the results displayed in the detail table do not change. This is useful when you have a shipment main table and a shipment stop detail table since it allows you to select a shipment to view and then lock the shipment stop table. With the shipment stop table locked, you can click around in the shipment table and the shipment stop table will not change.

Information on Saved Queries

For a workbench table, the saved queries available in the Saved Search drop-down list can be controlled by mange user access, limited saved queries list on the screen set, and the default saved query as specified when you created the layout. Manage user access takes the highest precedence, followed by limited saved query, and finally the default saved query.

Let's review some examples.

  • If the default saved query is set to include all saved queries from A to Z and on the screen set the limited saved query grid is empty, and no settings in manage user access, then the Saved Query drop-down list contains all saved queries A to Z.
  • If the default saved query is set to include all saved queries from A to Z and on the screen set the limited saved query grid only includes saved queries A and B, then only A and B appear in the Saved Query drop-down list. This example assumes no settings in manage user access.
  • If the default saved query is set to include all saved queries from A to Z and on the screen set the limited saved query grid only includes saved queries A and B, but manage user access only includes saves query A, then only saved query A appears in the Saved Query drop-down list.
  • If the default saved query is set to include all saved queries from A to Z and on the screen set the limited saved query grid only includes saved queries A and B, but manage user access only includes saves query A, then the Saved Query drop-down list is empty.

Table Parameters

Show/Hide Toolbar Icons

You can temporarily hide or show the following icons:

  • Add
  • Replace
  • Remove
  • New (must also be set up in the screen set)
  • Edit (must also be set up in the screen set)
  • Delete (not selected by default and must also be set up in the screen set)
  • Refresh
  • Revert/Save/Mass Update
  • Export (must also be set up in the screen set)
  • Run Analytics (not selected by default)
  • Drag/Select Text (not shown if drag-and-drop is disabled in the Logic Configuration)
  • Filter
  • Group/Ungroup Combined Table

Show/Hide Table Content

You can hide or show the following table content:

  • Favorites column by clicking on the hide/show button.
  • Group labels
  • Horizontal grid lines that separate the rows in the table.
  • Vertical grid lines that separate the columns in the table.

Inline Editing of Search Results

Inline Editing allows you to edit records on the results page without additional navigation. The icons Revert icon (Revert) and Save icon (Save) appear based on your screen set configuration. Fields can be modified inline on the search results section, if you have defined them to be editable on the Screen Set manager - Results tab.

  1. Double-click on a row to activate inline edit and the entire row shifts left. You can edit multiple rows.
  2. Edit any fields that are configured to be editable.
  3. If you want to discard all changes, click the Revert icon (Revert icon). Note that the values cannot be reverted once the data has been saved.
  4. Edit a value and click the Save icon (Save icon) to save the value to the database.

    In the Save Results pop-up, a green check mark indicates successfully saved records and a red exclamation point indicates records that were not saved due to an error.

Note: Not all Finders are compatible with Inline Editing functionality. For example, you cannot edit fields on any SERPROV table using the inline editing functionality.

Mass Update of Search Results

You can change the values for several fields at once. For each field, the value must be the same across all records. To do this, select each row you want to edit. Then click the Mass Update icon,Mass Update icon . The Mass Update icon appears based on your screen set configuration.


Also, depending on your screen set configuration, you can configure a total to display at the bottom of the Results table or a Workbench table. You can total columns such as weight and volume. If this is configured, a new row displays the totals for the selected rows.

Note: For Duration fields, the total is in hours only.


The results in the enhanced workbench tables can be grouped to allow for easier viewing and manage records. 

The results pages of the grouped and grouped combined tables display a second level grid showing related data a table format.

Select > next to any record to display records beneath it.

Grouped Parent Table

On parent tables you can group the table results by the columns available on the screen set. The results are shown sorted into groups based on the columns as selected in the Group by Columns box during table set up.

Grouped Combined Detail Table

For detail tables, Grouped Combined Detail shows the details of all the parent tables selected in the Associated Tables list as a combined group for easier navigation.


SmartLinks are available when you right-click on certain tables. The available SmartLinks are determined by the screen set specified when the layout was created.

In addition to the standard screen set SmartLinks, the Buy Shipment, Driver, Location, Network, Order Movement, Order Release, or Work Assignment tables also have the following SmartLink if there is a map component on the layout:

  • Add to Map/Remove from Map: Selecting these SmartLinks adds or removes the business object to/from the map. These SmartLinks are only available if there is a map component on the layout.

In addition to standard screen set SmartLinks, the Buy Shipment, Driver, or Work Assignment tables also have the SmartLink:

  • Add to Gantt/Remove from Gantt: If there is a Gantt chart component on the layout, then running these SmartLinks will add or remove the business object to/from the Gantt component. These SmartLinks only work if there is a Gantt chart component on the layout.


Click on a star in the Favorites column to add/remove that record as a user favorite. You can hide this column using the Favorites Column option on the screen set.

A yellow star (Indicates record is a favorite) indicates the record is a favorite. A gray star indicates the record is not a favorite.

Adding a Favorite

  • Click the Add to Favorites icon (Add to Favorites) to add that record as a user favorite.

Deleting a Favorite

  • Click the Remove from Favorites icon (Remove from Favorites) to remove that record from user favorites.


GTM Icons

In addition to the standard table icons, the GTM objects of Contact, Party Match Restricted Party, and Transaction Line have the following icons:

Party Table (Contact object type)

  • Requires Review icon (Requires Review): Designates the party record as one that must be reviewed in order to determine status. The RPLS status is set once GTM performs restricted party screening of a party and there are potentially matched restricted parties assigned.
  • Passed icon (Passed): Sets the RPLS status of the selected party record as passed. Usually this status is set (1) if a party is screened and does not have any potentially matched restricted parties assigned or (2) by a user who reviews all the potentially matched restricted parties assigned to a party and does not see a verified match.
  • Failed icon (Failed): Sets the RPLS status of the selected party record as failed. Usually this status is set by a user who reviews all the potentially matched restricted parties assigned to a party and confirms a verified match between the party and a matched restricted party.
  • Escalated icon (Escalated): Marks the selected party record for a closer examination and sets the RPLS status as escalated.
  • Add Comment icon (Add Comment): Opens the Comments on the Contact window where you can add a comment for a specific party.

Matched Restricted Parties Table (Party Matched Restricted Party object type)

  • Potential Match icon (Potential Match): Designates the matched restricted party for a particular party record as one that must be reviewed. The RPLS status is set once GTM performs the restricted party screening of a party and there is a potentially matched restricted party assigned.
  • Not a Match icon (Not a Match): Sets the RPLS status of the matched restricted party for a particular party record as passed. Usually this status is set by a user who reviews the potentially matched restricted party assigned to a party and it is not a verified match.
  • Verified icon (Verified Match): Sets the RPLS status of the matched restricted party for a particular party record as failed. Usually this status is set by a user who reviews the potentially matched restricted party assigned to a party and confirms there is a verified match between the party and restricted party.
  • Escalated icon (Escalated): Marks the selected matched restricted party record for a closer examination and sets the RPLS status  of the matched restricted party as escalated.
  • Review Match Factor icon (Review Match Factor): Displays the details for how the match factor is calculated for a specific party and matched restricted party combination.
  • Add Comment icon (Add Comment): Opens the Comments on the Party window where you can add a comment for a specific party and matched restricted party combination.

Transaction Line

  • Add Authorization icon (Add Authorization): Allows you to assign a license to a selected transaction line.
  • Assign License icon (Assign License): Allows you to add an authorization to a selected transaction line.

Drag-and-Drop between Tables

You can use drag-and-drop between tables. When you click on a row to drag, you see the open hand icon change to a closed hand. Once you start dragging a row from one table to another table, the hand icon changes to another icon that has a + sign. Drop the row or rows when you see the target row change to a larger font.

The following scenarios summarize your drag-and-drop options:

  • Add Shipments to Group: Select one or more shipments in a table and drag-and-drop them to a single shipment group in another table. When the shipments are dropped, the action Add Shipments to Group runs in the background.
  • Assign driver (to shipment): Select one or more drivers in a table and drag-and-drop them to a shipment in another table. When the drivers are dropped, the action Assign Driver (to shipment) runs in the background. 
  • Assign equipment (to shipment): Select a single piece of equipment in a table and drag-and-drop it on a shipment in another table. When the equipment is dropped on a shipment, the action Assign Equipment (to shipment) runs in the background.
    • See the Assign Equipment (to shipment) help topic for more details.
    • For action checks, use the audit action ID of ASSIGN EQUIPMENT TO SHIPMENT.
    • If action fails while adding the equipment to a shipment, you see a pop-up asking if you want to run the Force Assign action. If you click yes, the action runs and the equipment is assigned to the shipment.
  • Assign equipment type (to shipment): Select an equipment type in a table and drag-and-drop it on a shipment in another table. When a single equipment type is dropped, the action Assign Equipment Type (to shipment) runs in the background.
    • See the Assign Equipment Type (to shipment) help topic for more details.
    • For action checks, use the audit action ID of ASSIGN EQUIPMENT TYPE TO SHIPMENT.
    • If action fails while adding the equipment type to a shipment, you see a pop-up asking if you want to run the Force Assign action. If you click yes, the action runs and the equipment type is assigned to the shipment.
  • Assign power unit (to shipment): Select one or more power units in a table and drag-and-drop it on a shipment in another table. When power units are dropped, the action Assign Power Unit (to shipment) runs in the background.
    • See the Assign Power Unit (to shipment) help topic for more details.
    • For action checks, use the audit action ID of ASSIGN POWERUNIT TO SHIPMENT.
    • If the action fails while adding the power unit to a shipment, you see a pop-up asking if you want to run the Force Assign action. If you click yes, the action runs and the power unit is assigned to the shipment.
  • Match invoice line to shipment cost (available from the Workbench only): You can select one or more invoice lines from an invoice line item table and drag-and-drop them to a single shipment cost on a shipment cost table. Additionally, you can select one or more shipment costs from a shipment cost table and drag-and-drop them to a single invoice line from an invoice line item table.

    On successful execution, matched shipment cost details will be stored as invoice line item cost reference. Additionally, the Preprocess Status field on the invoice line will be updated to MATCHED.

Note: Drag-and-drop is performed using the optional feature "ENABLE IMPROVED INVOICE APPROVAL LOGIC" which is enabled by default. This drag-and-drop option matches invoice lines to shipment costs. To match the invoice line and shipment cost, the cost type must be the same. Matching multiple invoice lines or shipment costs will only be supported if the corresponding invoice supports aggregated invoice lines.

  • Move order releases to shipment: Select one or more order releases in a table and drag-and-drop them to a shipment in another table. The orders must have the same destination location as the shipment. When the orders are dropped, the action Move Order to Shipment runs in the background.
  • Move order releases on a shipment stop to another shipment: Select a single shipment stop in a table and drag-and-drop it onto a shipment in another table. When a single shipment stop is dropped on a shipment, the action Move Order to Shipment runs in the background.
  • Move order movement to shipment (available from the Workbench only): You can select one or more order movements from an order movement table and drag-and-drop them to a single shipment on a shipment table.

Drag and Drop from Shipment Table to Gantt Charts

Work Assignment Gantt Chart

On a workbench layout with a shipment table and a Work Assignment Gantt chart, you can use drag-and-drop functionality to add shipments to a work assignment.

Right-click on a shipment from the shipment table and select Start Drag to Gantt then drop the shipment on a work assignment in the Gantt chart exactly where you want it to be added to the work assignment. For example, if you drop it before the other shipments, then if, feasible, the shipment is added to be at that time and order in the work assignment. Once the shipment is dropped, all recalculations are completed in the background and the work assignment is updated.

If redrive fails while adding the shipment to the work assignment, you see a pop-up asking if you want to run the Force Assign action. If you click yes, the action runs and the shipment gets assigned to the work assignment.

Driver Gantt Chart

When dragging a shipment to a driver gantt chart or dragging from a record from a table to a driver gantt chart fails with a validation/re-drive error, you see a message asking, "Do you want to force assign?". If you select "Yes" then force assign drag drop action runs and drops the selected shipment in feasible time. If you select "No", then the force assign action is not run. 

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