Order Management

Item Origins/Add Item Origin

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item. Click the Trade Details tab and then click Add Item Origin.
  • Classification > Items. Click the Trade Details tab and then click Add Item Origin.
  • Master Data > Items. Click the Trade Details tab and then click Add Item Origin.
  • Master Data > Item Origins

Use this page to determine the item's country of origin and add more details about item origin.

If a product is manufactured and assembled in one country then to determine the country of origin can be simple. However, when a final product includes raw materials that originate in various countries, determining origin can be complex. Rules of Origin determine the product's country of origin. See Preference Criteria.

Adding an Item Origin

  1. Enter an ID of the item origin in the Item Origin ID field.
  2. Enter an origin country in the Country of Origin field.
  3. Enter the manufacturing country in the Country of Manufacture field.
  4. Select a domain in which this item origin will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  5. Enter an ID of the item in the Item ID field.
  6. Enter an ID in the Item Structure ID field.
  7. Enter either contact details in the Inventory Organization field or enter a unique identifier of the partner in the Partner field. This partner ID is same as the Party ID in GTM and the Contact ID in OTM.
  8. Enter an unique identifier for the party site in the Partner Site field.
  9. Enter the Effective and Expiration Date fields which define the start and end date of the item origin.
  10. Select an option from the Wholly Obtained drop-down list to indicate whether the item is wholly originating from a particular region/country. If no structure is defined on an item origin, this value will be used when performing the action Qualify for Trade Agreement.
  11. Enter manufacturing details of the item in the Description field.

Trade Programs

Click Add Trade Programs to add item qualification details.

Additional Documents

This section displays a list of the additional documents associated with the item origin.

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