Item Qualification

This page is accessed via

  • Order Management > Material Management > Item. Click the Trade Details tab and then click Add Item Origin  > Add Trade Programs
  • Classification > Trade Items. Click the Trade Details tab and then click Add Item Origin  > Add Trade Programs
  • Master Data > Trade Items. Click the Trade Details tab and then click Add Item Origin  > Add Trade Programs
  • Master Data > Item Qualifications

Use this page to determine whether an item qualifies for a trade agreement and specify item qualification details. You can determine whether an item qualifies or not to receive preferential tariff treatment under the trade program.

For example, to determine if your item qualifies:

  • Provide appropriate HTS classification for each item
  • Identify countries with whom  you have a preferential trade agreement
  • Look up the duty rate in country of destination
  • Verify rule of origin for each of your items

Adding an Item Qualification

  1. Enter a unique identifier of the item qualification in the Item Qualification ID field. You will use this ID when you refer to this item qualification on other pages.
  2. Enter an ID in the Item Origin ID field.
  3. Select a domain in which this item qualification will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Enter a product classification type in the Product Classification Type field.
  5. Enter a code that is used for the item qualification in the Product Classification Code field.
  6. Enter a country code in the Country of Import field.
  7. Enter a unique identifier in the Trade Agreement field.
  8. Enter a unique identifier in the Trade Program field.
  9. Enter the Effective and Expiration Date fields which define the start and end date of the item qualification.
  10. Select an option from the Minimum Operations Met drop-down list to indicate whether minimum operations is satisfied for the item.
  11. Enter producer details in the Producer field. An example of a producer is a manufacturer.
  12. Enter a unique identifier in the Preference Criteria field.
  13. Select an option from the Wholly Obtained drop-down list to indicate whether the item is wholly originating from a particular location.
  14. Enter a unique identifier in the Regional Value Content Method field.
  15. Enter a percentage in the Regional Value Content Percentage field.
  16. Select status of the item qualification from the Status drop-down list. The options are:
    • Not Started: Select this option if the qualification process has not started for the item.
    • Eligible: Select this option if the item is eligible for the qualification process.
    • Requires Review: Select this option if more information is required from the user to continue with the qualification process. If this option is set by the qualification logic, the corresponding Reason Code and Reason Description are set and displayed as read-only fields. 
    • Qualified: Select this option if the item qualifies for a preferential trade agreement.
    • Not Qualified: Select this option if the item is not qualified for a preferential trade agreement.
    • Discontinued: Select this option if qualification process is discontinued for the item.

In Edit and View mode, click View Qualification Report to view the report whether an item qualifies for a trade agreement.


This section displays the list of the conditions that have been associated with the item qualification by performing the Qualify for Trade Agreement action.


Use this section to add information about values to item qualification, based on the value qualifiers you select. You can add as many value qualifiers as you need.

Adding a Value Qualifier:

  1. Select a value qualifier from the Value Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter a value in the Value field and select a currency from the corresponding drop-down list.
  3. Select an exchange rate from the Exchange Rate ID drop-down list.
  4. Select the date from Exchange Rate Date.
  5. Click Save.


Use this section to add as many remarks as you require.

Adding a Remark:

  1. Select a remark qualifier from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter your remarks in the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to record reference numbers that apply to this transaction. You can add as many reference numbers as you require.

Adding a Reference Number:

  1. Select a reference number qualifier from the Reference Number Qualifier ID drop-down list
  2. Enter the reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.

Standard Documents

Note: You can view the following icons only in View mode.

Use the icons to interact with standard documents.

  • Actions (Actions icon): Launches the Item Qualification Documents Actions page.
  • View/Preview (View/Preview icon): Views the content of the latest document in a popup. If there is no revision and the document is backed by a report, the View/Preview icon shows a preview of the document.
  • Expand (Details icon): View the details of the standard document revision.

Additional Documents

Note: You can view the following icons only in View mode.

This section displays document uploads and reports directly associated with the item qualification by a user or through integration.

Use the icons to interact with additional documents.

Certificates of Origin Issued

This section displays details of the Certificates of Origin generated for this item qualification.

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