Order Management

Configuring for Order Processing: Bundling

From an order management perspective, Oracle Transportation Management will attempt to bundle lines and ship units during releasing, as well as try to bundle order releases during planning. Bundling is controlled by the rule set assigned to parameters.

Order Base During Releasing

The ORDER BASE BUNDLING RULE SET parameter indicates the rule set to be used during releasing to bundle lines and ship units. The rule set may be configured to remove undesired rules or sequence rules for better performance. Ideally, simpler checks that would more frequently cause lines or ship units to be incompatible should be moved higher in the list so they are evaluated earlier.

All rules available for re-sequencing or removal may be found in the set named basebundlescen. To configure the bundling rules, you should run the copy action on either the basebundlescen rule set or another rule set and create a new rule set. In addition to the rules, the following order base fields must match in order for lines or ship units from different order bases to bundle:

  • Locations and Load/Unload Points
  • Bundling Type
  • Default Stowage Mode
  • Dim Rate Factor
  • Equipment Group and Equipment Group Profile
  • External System ID
  • Fixed Buy/Sell Itinerary
  • Inco Term
  • Mode Profile GID
  • Payment Method Code
  • Pickup/Dropoff Routing Sequence
  • Planning Group
  • Buy/Sell Rate Record
  • Buy/Sell Rate Offering
  • Rate Service and Rate Service Profile
  • Release Method
  • Schedule
  • Service Provider and Service Provider Profile
  • Transport Mode
  • Time Window Emphasis
  • Priority
  • Ignore Location Calendar
  • Must Ship Direct
  • Must Ship Through Pool
  • Must Ship Through Cross-Dock
  • Buffer Type
  • Ship With Group

The OPTIMIZED ORDER BASE BUNDLING parameter controls which bundling algorithm to use. Non-optimized bundling would bundle with the given sequence of bundles while optimized bundling uses container optimization to produce better bundles. For example, if MAX WEIGHT PER BUNDLE is set to be 1000 LB and 4 bundles passed in with weight 500LB, 400LB, 600LB and 500LB, non-optimized bundling will produce 3 bundles: (500LB, 400LB), (600LB) and (500LB) while optimized bundling would generate only 2 bundles (500LB, 500LB), (400LB, 600LB).

Order Release During Planning

The ORDER RELEASE BUNDLING RULE SET parameter indicates the rule set to be used for bundling when planning orders into shipments. The rule set may be configured to remove undesired rules, but unlike the rules for order base, cannot be sequenced.

All available rules may be found in the set named ordbundlescen. To configure the bundling rules, you should run the copy action on either the ordbundlescen rule set or another rule set and create a new rule set.

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