Order Management

Order Creation: XML Integration

Inbound order base and order release XML integrations should include the ReleaseMethodGid element. If not provided, Oracle Transportation Management will default the release method to SHIP_UNIT_LINES for orders with ship units and ONE_TO_ONE for orders with order lines only. These defaults may be changed via the glog.releasemethod.shipunit.default and glog.releasemethod.line.default properties.

Inbound order releases must always include order lines regardless of whether or not ship units are included. One order release line should be created for every ship unit line.

The Order Base/Release Creation setting from the order configuration defined on the order configuration should be set to Ship Unit if ship units will be specified. If only order lines will be provided and Oracle Transportation Management is to building the ship units, the Order Base/Release Creation on the order configuration setting should be set to Line.

Note: If creating the order via XML Integration, the Generate Ship Unit agent action must still be used immediately process the order (calculate ship unit fields, build ship units from lines, etc.) according to the settings on the order configuration.

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