Order Management

Order Modification: Workflow

Agent Actions

The following agent actions may be used to process order modifications in Oracle Transportation Management. Depending on the status of the shipment and type of modification, different agent actions could be used in different situations.


Order release will not be persisted and order’s status ORDER MODIFIED is set to ORDER MODIFIED_DENIED. If the order is sent in from integration, the ORDER - INTEGRATION UNSUCCESSFUL event will be raised.


This will persist the order changes without modifying the related shipment and set order’s status ORDER MODIFIED to ORDER MODIFIED_MODIFIED.

When you click on the Edit icon, you can view the parameter, Always Generate Ship Units for Line Based Order. This parameter is optional and when it is set to true, new ship units will be generated and old ship units will be deleted for the line-based order. Default is false.


The ORDER RELEASE - MOD - FULL IMPACT agent action will impact everything related to the order release. It will do the following:

  1. Delete bills.
  2. Delete unmatched shipment invoices.
  3. Remove tender offers.
  4. Unassign the order release from shipments.
  5. Delete the order’s ship unit if ship units are created from order release lines or order base lines.
  6. Recreate/calculate order ship units.
  7. Build shipments for the order release.


If quantities are changed on an order release, and existing ship units on the order release are created from order release lines originally, ship units will be regenerated from order release lines for non-fleet order releases. The rebuild of ship units will use the Ship Unit Building logic as defined in order configuration.

Otherwise, ship units will be recalculated according to order configuration defined on the order release.

Then, shipments will be edited according to the changes on the order release. The changes include quantity changes on the order’s ship units, special service changes, and order stop changes (for fleet orders). Shipment cost and service time will be recalculated according to parameters for the action. These are Recalculate Service Time and Retender Shipment.

This action only applies to orders that have not been split, either across shipments or shipment equipment.


The ORDER RELEASE - MOD - PROPAGATE CHANGES agent action should be not turned on if the ORDER RELEASE - MODIFY agent action is turned on.

Formerly, this agent action could only be configured as a post-persist agent action. This limited the transactional control over the updates. Starting with 6.4.2 this agent can be configured as a pre-persist agent action in a similar fashion as ORDER RELEASE - MOD – EDIT SHIPMENT. When configured as a pre-persist agent action, some limitations of using post-persist agent actions will be removed so you can remove ship units or order release lines.

When setting up this agent action, you can choose to propagate the following changes:

  1. Propagate ship unit quantity.
  2. Propagate pickup dates.
  3. Propagate delivery dates.
  4. Propagate equipment change.
  5. Recalculate cost.
  6. Propagate special service change.

The first step in ship unit quantity propagation is to check if there are order release lines without ship units on this order release. If there are, new ship units will be built for these order release lines using the order configuration on the order release. Then, quantity changes will be propagated to up/down stream shipments and order movements. If it is a line-based order, changes on the lines (including line insertion/deletion) will be propagated to the order release ship unit and further propagated to the shipment. For ship unit based orders, changes on the ship unit (including modification/insertion/deletion) will be propagated back to the order release line and back to the shipment ship unit. For order release line modification off a line-based order, use the ORDER RELEASE - MOD - EDIT SHIPMENT agent action.


Oracle Transportation Management business logic will check if the order release is on an editable shipment. The following conditions must be satisfied for a shipment to be editable.

  1. Event has to be ORDER – MODIFIED.
  2. Allowed Children Event:
    • Order – Customer Service Modified
    • Order – Quantities Modified
    • Order – Dates Modified
    • Order – Special Service Modified
    • Order – ShipUnit PD Stop Modified
    • Order – OR Stop Added or Removed
    • Order – ShipUnit Added or Removed
    • Order – Line Added or Removed
  3. The related shipment is not editable if one of the following cases is true.
    • Order is split across shipments or shipment equipment.
    • No order movements or shipments found for order release.
    • Order release's time window is not compatible with some stops.


The following situations apply. 

Ship Unit Actual Status

You may have orders that start with line-based order configuration. For these order, the system packs the lines into ship units.  Then the orders are planned and placed onto shipments.  Next, if you want to add the actual ship unit packing information, you will want to send order changes on a line and ship unit independent of one other.  In order to achieve this, you need to set the following parameters:

  • STATUS TYPE ENABLES SHIP UNIT ACTUAL: specifies the status type of the order to enable actual ship unit processing.
  • STATUS VALUE ENABLES SHIP UNIT ACTUAL: specifies the status value of the order to enable actual ship unit processing.

These parameters specify in the external status that an order is in actual ship unit state. Then, when order modification comes in, the Order Move Delete process will make changes to the ship units and the lines independent of each other without looking at the order configuration.

Shipment Cannot Accept Changes

When an order modification comes in, certain shipments may have already received actuals where changes on such a shipment are not allowed. These following parameters specify the external status type/value for a shipment when it can no longer accept changes:

  • STATUS TYPE PREVENTS SHIPMENT MOD: the status type for shipment that cannot accept changes
  • STATUS VALUE PREVENTS SHIPMENT MOD: the status value for shipment that cannot accept changes

When an order modification comes in, the Order Mod Propagator or Edit Shipment will look at all of its related shipments. If they all have the status that does not accept the changes, the order modification will be rejected. Otherwise, it will find the shipments that accept changes and propagate the changes to the shipments.

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