Order Management

Build Multi-Stop Shipment

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Movement > Order Movement > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Shipment > Build Multi-stop Shipment.

The Build Multi-stop Shipment action can be run for order movements. The action attempts to put the selected order movements into one multi-stop shipment if possible. In order to do so, the selected order movements must have the same original leg and original leg position. Also, each of the order movements should have the Re-use Equipment check box selected or cleared. That is, if the check box is selected on one order movement, then the check box should be selected on all order movements that you are placing on the multi-stop shipment. If that check box is selected, then all the order movements must use the same ship equipment.


For multistop shipments, shipments with containers cannot be combined with non-container shipments. Shipments that all use containers can be combined. However, combining shipments with containers is different than non-containers. Shipments that do not use containers can be merged and or reassign equipment. When container shipments are combined they can be put onto the same equipment but not merged within a container and cannot change equipment.

Building a Multi-Stop Shipment

All fields are optional overrides.

  1. Enter a Service Provider if you want to specify one.
  2. Enter an Equipment Group if you want to specify one.
  3. Select a Transport Mode from the drop-down list, if you want to specify one.
  4. Click OK.

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