Configuration and Administration

Metric Notification Profile

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Metric Alert Management > Metric Notification Profile.

Note: You must be a DBA to access this page.

The Metric Notification Profile page allows you to configure who is notified when certain metric thresholds are reached. By selecting Performance Diagnostics, you can specify which Performance Collection Types are sent and to whom they are sent. You can send a notification via a contact in the system, or to an ad-hoc email address. The email generated by the system includes an attachment along with a unique file name which you can share with Oracle to help diagnose issues. Additionally, the email lists what the email to be generated.

You can run the Metric Notification Generation action against a metric notification profile to force the notification to be generated and sent.

Metric Consolidation

Separate thresholds all on the same profile are consolidated into one email. For example, if 5 thresholds are exceeded within the time frame, they will be sent all in one email instead of 5 emails. At most, one Collect Diagnostic Logs is issued per consolidation period (i.e. 5 minutes). If thresholds in one consolidation period trigger multiple profiles with performance diagnostics, the union of all diagnostics is included with each profile. This avoids overhead of duplicate diagnostic requests. Each notification profile email consolidates multiple thresholds and threshold counts in an included table.


The system generates an email containing content based on your selections in the profile. It may also include a ZIP file containing performance diagnostics. It may contain the following information:

  1. The name of the diagnostic logs that Oracle Support can retrieve. See Collect Diagnostic Logs for an explanation of how that content is harvested.

    Note: When multiple notification profiles trigger in the same time period, the system creates a single diagnostic log with the super set of options collected across all profiles. It will include the most detailed information options requested across all profiles. For example, if there are two profiles and one requests JRA recordings and the other Heap Dumps, they will both be included.
  2. A list of the performance diagnostics collected in the ZIP file.

    Note: When multiple notification profiles trigger in the same time period, the system consolidates into one grouping.
  3. A table of thresholds that were triggered for this profile.

Creating a Metric Notification Profile

  1. Enter a Notification Profile ID.
  2. Select a Domain Name.
  3. The Reserved field indicates that the profile is maintained by the system and cannot be changed.
  4. The Consolidation Interval field defines how frequently thresholds generate notifications. For example, if you set this to 10 minutes, trigger notifications for this profile are only sent out at 10 minute marks; a maximum of 6 in the hour. Triggers for the same criterion are consolidated during the interval time. 

    When current thresholds are triggered, they are accumulated into consolidated notifications. This accumulation time is determined by the largest of: 

    The Consolidation Interval value on the Metric Notification Profile. 
    The Criteria Queue Interval value on the Current Threshold defined in the Metric Current Criterion.
    The minimum queue interval for the system (5 minutes).

  5. Select the Generate Diagnostic Logs field to activate the log generation process when sending a notification. See Collect Diagnostic Logs for a detailed explanation.
  6. Select Include JRA Recording to help diagnose performance issues, along with the length and delay. The length and delay you specify are in seconds. Set the length to be long enough to cover the time period being investigated. The delay is used to wait a certain amount of time before collecting the data.
  7. Select if you want to Include Heap Dumps to help diagnose memory issues.
  8. Indicate the groupings of performance diagnostics you wish to attach to the notification email. If you change the Attach Performance Diagnostics to a "Non-Standard" value, then select the specific types you want to collect. The Standard Configuration Collection includes all Configuration Collectors except for OTM PROPERTIES. The Standard performance collection includes all Performance Collectors except for JVM DUMP.
  9. If you selected "Non-Standard" for Attach Performance Diagnostics, select the Performance Collection Types to be collected.
  10. Enter a Contact ID.
  11. Select a Communication Method.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Enter an Email Address. to where the notification will be sent.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Click Finished.

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