How to Configure Metric Collection

Metrics are used to measure system performance. You can define thresholds that will trigger notifications when those thresholds are met or exceeded. The thresholds will be driven by either a comparison against historical performance (cumulative), or when critical events occur (current).

Configuring Metric Collection

Check Metric Properties

Check the default settings in glog.metric Properties. They control if metrics are enabled, the size of data points in thresholds, and the size of threshold notifications.

Define an Historical Basis

An historical basis is a definition of a historical value used by both cumulative and current thresholds. For example, an historical basis could define the average value over the last 5 days, the maximum value over the last 3 weeks, the total count over the last two hours, or the average over the last four days of the week (i.e. the last four Wednesdays if today is a Wednesday).

Define Metric Criteria

Depending on what you want to track, you must define a metric criterion. Criteria are rules for thresholds that can be shared across metrics and subcomponents. Only the threshold defines a specific metric test.

  • Metric Cumulative Criterion: Create this criterion when you want to see if historical performance is no longer met. For example, if you want to see if bulk plans take longer today than they did in the past. You will be able to know if recent performance values are worse than historical ones. It compares a current value with an historic one or one historical comparison against another. Cannot be smaller than an hour.
  • Metric Current Criterion: Create this criterion when you want to track critical events as they occur. It allows you to watch performance in real time and automatically generate notifications.

As part of establishing criteria, you must decide how to handle missing or nonexistent data, along with how to configure the system to not be too sensitive and send off too many notifications.

Establish Thresholds

Once your threshold criteria are defined, create a Metric Threshold to define when a metric notification will be triggered.

Define Metric Notification

Metric notifications are triggered by thresholds. Configure how the notifications work by establishing Metric Notification Profiles.

Viewing Metrics

In addition to automatic notifications based on metric thresholds, you can manually view historical metric data. You can do so by creating a Metric Collection Profile to configure how you display Historical Metrics.

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