Configuration and Administration

glog.metric Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version


glog.metric.consolidateCurrentEvents =<true|false> 22

When true, current thresholds are treated like count, max and average values. A single threshold will be accumulated in any given email and show only a summary line for all thresholds consolidated into that email.

Default: false

glog.metric.enabled =[true|false] 21A If false, the all metric components and types are disabled. This is equivalent to disabling all components and types in the power data.
glog.metric.maxEventsPerNotification 22A Limits the size of threshold notifications. The notification will list only the amount of threshold triggers, in the body of the email, as specified in this property. If more exist, the email will note there are more but suppress them to avoid excessive email size. Default: 100.
glog.metric.maxEventsPerNotifyProfile =<maximum # of current events kept in
memory for notification>

Limits memory growth regardless of the email line cap.

Default: 1000

glog.metric.minHistoryCount 22A Defines the minimum number of data points that historical comparison data must have to be compared against cumulative and current thresholds. Default: 1.

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