Configuration and Administration

Historical Metrics

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Metric Alert Management > Historical Metrics.

Note: You must be a DBA to access this page.

This page is used to gather metrics on your system. A metric is a scalar performance value that can be tracked over time. The following types of scalars are supported:

  • Count: A count metric measures a number of times some event occurs over an hour. E.g., for a given log ID, the number of log lines logged for that ID in an hour.
  • Performance: A performance metric measures the time for some process to complete. E.g., the process time for a workflow topic in the batch Event Queue. Note that performance metrics maintain the total count, total time and maximum time for the metric. Thus, they implicitly hold a count metric for the number of times the process was executed.
  1. Enter a From and To range for your query.
  2. Select the Window. This controls whether hourly, daily, or weekly data is used. Each window type has a default time range. For example, Hourly defaults to the previous day, while Daily defaults to the previous month.
  3. Select a Sort By to control the display of the output.
  4. If you want the output to be saved as a tab-delimited spreadsheet file, select the Spreadsheet check box.
  5. Set the maximum number of results returned in the Maximum Metrics field.
  6. Select the Zero Missing Data check box to fill in empty data columns with zeros. If this is not selected, then any columns which have no data are excluded from the results of your query. While excluding empty data is useful in some cases, if you are generating a chart or graph from the returned data, then including zero value results will give you a more accurate graph.
  7. If you have a set of metrics that you frequently query and have saved that set in a metric collection profile, enter it in the Metric Collection Profile ID field.
  8. Select one or more Values that you want to display.
    • Count: The total number of metrics submitted in the hour.
    • Average: The average metric.
    • Maximum: The maximum metric.
    • Cause: Displays which topic caused the maximum metric value.

You can select a profile, multiple metric types, and metrics to include in your query. See Metric Components for descriptions of the metric components, subcomponents, and types.

Metric Types

  1. Enter a Metric Type ID.
  2. Click Save for each metric type you enter.


  1. Enter a Metric ID.
  2. Click Save for each metric you enter.


  • Click Search to see your results.
  • Click Clear to remove your selections. Your selections are saved and when you return during the same session, they default. If you want to run a new query, click Clear to removed the saved information.
  • Click Reset Time to change the From/To times to be the default time ranges for the window of data selected.


After you click the Search button, the results of your query are displayed, sorted according to the Sort By field. If you included both metric types and metrics, the metrics are listed after the metric types. See Metric Components for descriptions of the metric components, subcomponents, and types.

  1. Click Refresh to run the query again.
  2. Click Return to go back to the query screen.
  3. Click Export to  generate a tab-delimited spreadsheet file of your results.

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