Configuration and Administration

Metric Components

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Metric Alert Management > Metric Components.

Note: You must be a DBA to access this page.

This page lists the components used when collecting metrics. Open a component to see the types of statistics it collects. You can override the defaults and change which types it collects, and to what level of precision.

The following list uses this format:

    • Subcomponent: Description for the subcomponent
      • TYPE: Description for the metric type

The available metric components are:

    • Agent ID: Agent Performance. See Agent Log for more information.
      • AGENT - EXECUTION TIME: Time for agent completion
    • Unique description for Agent and Action: Agent Action Performance. See Agent Actions Log for more information.
      • AGENT ACTION - WAIT TIME: Time agent action waited in queue or mediation
      • AGENT ACTION - EXECUTION TIME: Time to execute agent action (main thread of execution)
      • AGENT ACTION - RUN TIME: Time to complete agent action (including all related activity)
  • ASYNC REST RESOURCES: Asynchronous REST requests, usage count
    • REST resources
      • ASYNC REST - CREATE COUNT: A count of the number of asynchronous REST create requests
      • ASYNC REST - UPDATE COUNT: A count of the number of asynchronous REST update requests
      • ASYNC REST - BATCH COUNT: A count of the number of asynchronous REST batch requests
    • Per Cache: This metric is polled every 15 minutes. Counts are accumulated so the hourly counts reflect the gets, puts, misses and swaps only for the last hour.
      • CACHE - GETS: Count metric for the number of cache gets.
      • CACHE - MISSES: Count metric for the number of cache misses.
      • CACHE - PUTS: Count metric for the number of cache puts.
      • CACHE - SWAPS: Count metric for the number of cache swaps.
    • Grid Link Pool Name: GridLink Pool Status. This is a polled metric. The system polls all GridLink pools every 15 minutes to retrieve counts. A DBA.ADMIN user can adjust this polling frequency. Too frequent polling will have a performance impact. Too infrequent polling will bias the counts.
      • CONNECTION POOL - CURRENT COUNT: Number of active connections in the GridLink pool. Count only.
      • CONNECTION POOL - CURRENT WAITERS: Number of clients waiting on a connection from the GridLink pool. Count only.
  • CPU: Tracks CPU-related events.
    • No subcomponents
      • CPU - JVM STARVED: The number of times Transportation Management is starved for JVM processing. Transportation Management is not receiving sufficient CPU Time as measured by
        system clock ticks.
      • CPU - TIMER AHEAD: The number of times the Transportation Management clock is ahead of the system clock. This
        occurs when some external process has changed the system clock.
      • CPU - TIMER BEHIND: The number of times the Transportation Management clock is behind the system clock. This
        occurs when Transportation Management is not receiving sufficient CPU.
  • DATABASE ERROR: for SQLException counts, organized by ORA error-code based subcomponents.
      • DATABASE ERROR: A count of the number of errors. Uses Max Cause to store the last Error message encountered. Applies to all subcomponents.
    • The subcomponents are ORA error counts by classification.
    • Connection: 107, 125-139, 12501-12599
    • Communication: 3110-3175, 12800-12810
    • Deadlock: 60, 104, 4021-4027, (not 4025)
    • Login: 1005, 1017
    • Performance: 40, 41, 51, 54, 1013, 4025
    • Security: 1031, 1039, 1720, 20000, 28000-28110
    • Sql: 903, 911, 913, 920-979, 1400, 1401, 1420-1440, 1460, 1461, 1719, 1722-1724, 1745, 1795, 1861, 2256, 2257
    • Size: 302, 703, 740, 741, 1000, 1037, 1650-1660, 1680-1694, 2391-2399, 3221-3338, 4030, 4031, 4033, 4035, 4036, 10260
    • Unexpected: 600, 1033, 1110, 1410, 1502, 2068, 4044, 4045, 4061, 4065, 4068, 4098, 6502-6516, 6550, 7445
    • UserData: 1, 2266, 2290-2299, 4088, 12899
    • VPD: 28110-2811
    • Database tables: Such as ORDER_RELEASE, SHIPMENT_REFNUM, etc.
      • DATA EXPORT - SYNC EXPORT RECORDS COUNT: Number of records exported for a sync export request. Count only.
      • DATA EXPORT - SYNC EXPORT REQUEST TIME: Time taken for a sync export request to be completed.
      • DATA EXPORT - TABLE EXPORT RECORDS COUNT: Number of records exported for an async table export request. Count only.
      • DATA EXPORT - TABLE EXPORT REQUEST TIME: Time taken for an async table export request to be completed.
    • REST business objects: For example, shipments, drivers, etc.
      • DATA EXPORT - OBJECT EXPORT RECORDS COUNT: Number of records exported for a async object export request. Count only.
      • DATA EXPORT - OBJECT EXPORT REQUEST TIME: Time taken for an async object export request to be completed. Count only.
      • DATA EXPORT - SYNC EXPORT RECORDS COUNT: Number of records exported for a sync export request. Count only.
      • DATA EXPORT - SYNC EXPORT REQUEST TIME: Time taken for a sync export request to be completed.
    • Request Count: Record number of async export requests count.
      • DATA EXPORT - ASYNC EXPORT REQUEST COUNT: Number of async export request count. Count only.
    • Data Source ID: Connection Statistics
      • DATA SOURCE - ACTIVE CONNECTION: Average/Max number of active connections when a new connection is retrieved, from the perspective of a new connection request.
      • DATA SOURCE - FAILED: Number of failed connection requests (i.e. not due to connection pool exhaustion). Count only.
      • DATA SOURCE - NEW CONNECTIONS: Tracks the number of connections retrieved from each connection pool over time. Count only.
      • DATA SOURCE - TIMED OUT: Number of timed out connection requests. Count only.
      • DATA SOURCE - WAITING CONNECTIONS: Average/Max number of threads waiting for a connection, from the perspective of a new connection request.
      • DATA SOURCE - WAIT TIME: Average wait time for a new connection.
    • Metric Threshold: Meta Metrics for Thresholds
      • DIAGNOSTICS - THRESHOLD NOTIFY COUNT: Distinct e-mails sent out as a result of the Metric Threshold being triggered. Count only.
      • DIAGNOSTICS - THRESHOLD TRIGGER COUNT:  Number of times the Metric Threshold has been triggered. Count only.
      • DIAGNOSTICS - THRESHOLD TRIGGER MAX: Maximum value that triggered the Metric Threshold in this time period.
    • Total: Count of QDLogs
      • DIAGNOSTICS - DIAGNOSTIC LOGS COLLECTED: Count of times Collect Diagnostic Logs has been invoked, either by users or metric thresholds. Count only.
    • Event Queue Name: Event Queue Performance
      • EQ - THROUGHPUT: Number of topics processed in queue. Count only.
      • EQ - QUEUE SIZE: Queue size (as seen by a topic entering queue)
      • EQ - WAIT TIME: Topic wait time
      • EQ - PROCESS TIME: Topic processing time. Max Cause: Topic causing Max processing time for this queue.
    • Timeout, Unavailable, ConnectionFailure, ICAPFailure, TotalFailure
      • EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - VIRUS CHECK: A count of the communication/connection failures to the ICAP server.
    • Blocked: Number of emails blocked due to OTM Mail Sender Checks.
      • EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - EMAIL: A count of the communication/OCI failures in sending outbound email.
    • Suppressed: Number of emails suppressed due to OCI Mail Recipient Suppression
      • EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - EMAIL: A count of the communication/OCI failures in sending outbound email.
    • Failed: Number of emails failed to OCI Mail rejection
      • EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - EMAIL: A count of the communication/OCI failures in sending outbound email.
    • ConnectionFailure: Number of emails failed due to Mail Server communication
      • EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - EMAIL: A count of the communication/OCI failures in sending outbound email.
    • TotalFailure: Total number of failed emails
    • External System
      • EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - INTEGRATION: A count of general failures with report web service requests to OBIEE.
    • TotalFailure:
      • EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - REPORTS: A count of general failures with report web service requests to OBIEE.
    • File Management Use Case (total): File management statistics
      • FILE - ADDED: A count of the number of tracked files added.
      • FILE - FAILED: A count of the number of times tracked file addition failed because the system hit file limits and could not free up space.
      • FILE - REMOVED: A count of the number of tracked files deleted.
      • FILE - TRACKED COUNT: A polled metric showing the number of currently tracked files.
      • FILE - TRACKED SIZE: A polled metric showing the total amount of disk space used by currently tracked files.
      • FILE - WARNED: A count of the number of times a file warning triggered showing the system is closing in on file limits.
    • Element Name / Total: Inbound Transaction Statistics
      • TRANSACTION - SIZE: Average/Max transaction size
      • TRANSACTION IN - STAGE TIME: Time to stage a transaction
      • TRANSACTION IN - WAIT TIME: Time a staged transaction awaits processing
      • TRANSACTION IN - PROCESS TIME: Time to process a transaction
      • TRANSACTION IN - STAGED: Number of staged transactions. Count only.
      • TRANSACTION IN - PROCESSED: Number of processed transactions. Count only.
      • TRANSACTION IN - FAILED: Number of failed transactions. Count only.
    • Total: Inbound Transmission Statistics
      • TRANSMISSION IN - SIZE: Average/Max transmission size
      • TRANSMISSION IN - STAGE TIME: Time to stage a transmission
      • TRANSMISSION IN - WAIT TIME: Time a staged transmission waited for processing
      • TRANSMISSION IN - PROCESS TIME: Time to process a transmission
      • TRANSMISSION IN - STAGED: Number of staged transmissions. Count only.
      • TRANSMISSION IN - PROCESSED: Number of processed transmissions. Count only.
      • TRANSMISSION IN - FAILED: Number of failed transmissions. Count only.
      • TRANSMISSION IN - TRANSACTION COUNT: Average/Max number of transactions per transmission
    • Log ID/Total: Logging Counts
      • LOG - COUNT: Number of log lines. Count only.
    • 1-nth Longest Running SQL: This is a polling metric. OTM polls every 15 minutes to retrieve long-running SQL statements, in order. A DBA.ADMIN user can adjust this frequency on the component page. For example, the one listed as "3" is the third-longest running SQL during the time period.
      • LONG RUNNING SQL - RESPONSE: A measure of SQL complexity. This calculation is (# of buffer gets) / (# of executions) / (executionFactor) where the executionFactor defaults to 50 but can be changed via a property.
      • Max Cause: nth worst SQL statement, where n is the subcomponent. For example, the one listed as "3" is the third-longest running SQL during the time period.
    • A categorization based on the type of long running task: agent : <Agent ID>, agentAction : <Agent ID>, userAction : <Action ID>, process : <Topic Alias ID>, adhoc : <ad-hoc description>: Long Running Task Statistics
      • LONG RUNNING TASK - PROCESS TIME: Time to process a long running task. Max Cause: The full description of the long running task that took longest to complete.
      • LONG RUNNING TASK - INTERRUPTED COUNT: Number of long running tasks interrupted by the user. Count only.
      • LONG RUNNING TASK - ABORTED COUNT: Number of long running tasks stopped due to error or unrecoverable shutdown. Count only.
      • LONG RUNNING TASK - RESUBMITTED COUNT: Number of long running tasks resubmitted to Process Control due to server shutdown. Count only.
      • LONG RUNNING TASK - COMPLETED COUNT: Number of completed long running tasks. Count only.
  • MAIL (The metric types are available for all subcomponents.)
    • Total: Total number of failures or suppressions.
    • User Address: Includes failures whose sender was registered by the user, such as addresses set up as Mail Senders.
    • Common Address: Includes only failures whose sender is a pre-validated email address staged by the system.
      • MAIL - AUDITED: A count of the number of audited emails. The collection of this metric is required in order to limit the growth of audited mail mail.
      • MAIL - FAILED: The number of emails failing due to send or address exceptions.
      • MAIL - SAVED: The number of characters in a saved email. This can be used to track the total number of saved emails and the total number of characters saved. The collection of this metric is required in order to limit the growth of saved mail.
      • MAIL - SUPPRESSED: The number of emails failing due to OCI Mail Suppression.

    • Mail Priority Group ID / Full Quota / (total): Mail Quota Statistics
      • MAIL QUOTA - SENT: Number of mail messages sent under this quota. Count only.
      • MAIL QUOTA - BLOCKED: Number of mail messages delayed due to this quota. Count only.
      • MAIL QUOTA - DROPPED: Number of mail messages dropped due to this quota. Count only.
  • MARK FOR PURGE: Tracks the number of objects (of an Object Type) that are marked for purge. e.g. Number Shipment objects marked for purge.
      • MARK FOR PURGE - MARKED COUNT: Number of objects marked for purge
    • Heap, Non-Heap, and Memory Pool (e.g. Code Cache): Heap Monitoring. These types tracks current and peak memory use for various Java memory pools and heap spaces. They are polled metrics, running every 15 minutes to retrieve these data from the JVM.
      • MEMORY - CURRENT USAGE: The metric reflects the average usage over polling intervals for the last hour. E.g. with 15 minute polling, this is an average of four polled usage statistics.
      • MEMORY - PEAK USAGE: Peak usage is cleared on each poll, so this reflects the peak usage since the last polling time. E.g., with 15 minute polling, this metric is the average of peak usage in each of four 15 minute polling periods.
    • TotalMemory Groups (e.g. Code Cache): Garbage Collection Monitoring. These types track garbage collection performance. They are polled metrics, running every 15 minutes to retrieve these data from the JVM.
      • MEMORY - GC COUNT: This is a count metric, reflecting the total number of garbage collections during the hour period. Count only.
      • MEMORY - GC TIME: This is a count metric, reflect the total number of milliseconds spent in garbage collection during the hour period. Count only.
    • Total: Object lock counts.
      • OBJECT LOCK - DEADLOCK COUNT: Tracks detected deadlocks.
    • External System / SMTP: Outbound Transmission and Email Statistics. This includes all SMTP outbound messages, not just transmission-based emails.
      • MESSAGE OUT - SIZE: Average/Max message size, in characters
      • MESSAGE OUT - GENERATION TIME: Time to generate a message
      • MESSAGE OUT - WAIT TIME: Time a message waited in queue
      • MESSAGE OUT - SEND TIME: Time to send a message
      • MESSAGE OUT - SENT: Number of successful messages. Count only.
      • MESSAGE OUT - FAILED: Number of failed messages. Count only.
    • Process Action: Scheduled / Recurring Process Performance.
      • PROCESS CONTROL - PROCESS TIME: Time to process a Process Control Request (i.e. a scheduled or recurring process). Max Cause: The full description of the process control request that took longest to process.
      • PROCESS CONTROL - REQUESTED COUNT: Number of Process Control requests. Count only.
    • Unique description for external distance engine <External Engine GID>(< External System GID> if exists): Tracks the statistics (average time, total time, and count) of external distance engine.
      • RATE DISTANCE - EXTERNAL: External Distance Engine statistics (average time, total time, and count).
    • Unique description for external distance engine  <External Engine GID>(< External System GID> if exists): Tracks the statistics (average time, total time, and count) of external service engine.
      • RATE SERVICE - EXTERNAL: External Service Engine statistics (average time, total time, and count).
    • Rate Costing - Base: Tracks the statistics of base cost rating.
      • RATING - INTERNAL: Rating within OTM.
    • Rate Costing - Accessorial: Tracks the statistics of accessorial cost rating.
      • RATING - INTERNAL: Rating within OTM.
    • Rate Costing - Min: Tracks the statistics of getting the absolute minimum charge that applies to the shipment.
      • RATING - INTERNAL: Rating within OTM.
    • Rate Costing - Max: Time to calculate the absolute maximum charge that applies to the shipment.
      • RATING - INTERNAL: Rating within OTM.
    • Rate Costing - StopOff: Tracks the statistics of stop off charges  rating.
      • RATING - INTERNAL: Rating within OTM.
    • Rate Costing - Quality: Tracks the statistics of qualifying the shipment using Rate Quality ID.
      • RATING - INTERNAL: Rating within OTM.
    • Rate Costing - External: RatewareXL: Tracks the statistics of external rating engine using RatewareXL.
      • RATING - EXTERNAL: Rating using external rating engine.
    • Rate Costing - External: RatewareXL CC - Total: Tracks the statistics of external rating engine using RatewareXL and Carrier Connect XL.
      • RATING - EXTERNAL: Rating using external rating engine.
    • Rate Costing - External: RatewareXL CC - Transit Time: Tracks the statistics of Carrier Connect XL for getting the transit time when using rating engine with RatewareXL and Carrier Connect XL.
      • RATING - EXTERNAL: Rating using external rating engine.
    • Rate Costing - External: RatewareXL CC - Rating: Tracks the statistics of RatewareXL for getting the rate when using rating engine with RatewareXL and Carrier Connect XL.
      • RATING - EXTERNAL: Rating using external rating engine.
    • Rate Costing - External: Generic<External System Gid>: Tracks the statistics of Generic external rating engine.
      • RATING - EXTERNAL: Rating using external rating engine.

Note: Metric type RATING - EXTERNAL is enabled by default, and RATING - INTERNAL is disabled by default.

    • Bean Name (i.e. Table): Record Read Counts. Used to determine missing or undersized caches, both entity and business.  
      • RECORDS - DIRECT READS: Number of records loaded from the database for BeanData, by bean. These require business caches to optimize. Count only.
      • RECORDS - ENTITY READS: Number of records loaded from the database for entity beans, by bean. These can be cached via properties. Count only.
    • Report ID / total: Report Performance
      • REPORT - COUNT: Number of generated reports. Count only.
      • REPORT - GENERATION TIME: Time to generate a report
      • REPORT - SIZE: Average/Max size of report content
  • REST CUSTOM ACTIONS: REST Custom actions, (bulk query, saved query, advanced query), usage count.
    • Resource - query type, such as shipments - savedQueries
    • Resource, such as: shipments
    • Query type, such as advancedQuery
      • REST CUSTOM - ACTIONS COUNT: A count of the number of rest custom actions requests
  • REST LEGACY API SDO: To get usage metrics for /sdo.
    • Business Object Name
      • REST LEGACY API SDO - CREATE COUNT: A count of the number of times Create operations are performed with /sdo.
      • REST LEGACY API SDO - DELETE COUNT: A count of the number of times Delete operations are performed with /sdo.
      • REST LEGACY API SDO - READ COUNT: A count of the number of times Read operations are performed with /sdo.
      • REST LEGACY API SDO - UPDATE COUNT: A count of the number of times Update operations are performed with /sdo.
    • <none>: Server Startup
      • SERVER - STARTUP TIME: Average number of startup times, in seconds. Note the COUNT of this metric can be used to track server restarts over time. This is not the full startup time and should be used to look at relative restart issues.
  • SYNC REST RESOURCES: Synchronous REST requests usage count
    • REST resources: For example, shipments, drivers etc.
      • SYNC REST - READ COUNT: A count of the number of synchronous REST read requests.
      • SYNC REST - CREATE COUNT: A count of the number of synchronous REST create requests
      • SYNC REST - UPDATE COUNT: A count of the number of synchronous REST update requests
      • SYNC REST - DELETE COUNT: A count of the number of synchronous REST delete requests
    • Action ID: Action Performance. This is broken out by action steps.
      • USER ACTION - EXECUTION: Time to execute user action.
    • Diagnostic UI description if specified: Diagnostic Utility Performance.
      • USER DIAGNOSTIC - DISPLAY: Time to retrieve and display diagnostic page.
    • Finder Set ID: Finder Performance
      • USER FINDER - DISPLAY: Time to display Finder.
      • USER FINDER - RESULT: Time to retrieve and display Finder Results.
    • Manager Layout ID or Finder Set ID: Manager Performance.
      • USER MANAGER - EDIT: Time to display edit page.
      • USER MANAGER - VIEW: Time to display view page.
      • USER MANAGER - SAVE: Time to save modified record.
    • Miscellaneous Utility description if specified: Miscellaneous Utility Performance.
      • USER UTILITY - DISPLAY: Time to retrieve and display utility page.

Managing Metric Components

  1. The Collecting check box for the component indicates if it is active. If the main Collecting check box is not selected, then none of the types listed in the component are collected.
  2. Each type has a Collecting check box. You can choose which types are actively collecting on a component.
  3. If the metric component is one that polls, set the Polling Frequency to determine how often it runs.
  4. The Precision field controls how detailed the collected data is. A setting of 2 indicates that the results are averaged, and a 0 means it is not an averaged value.
  5. The Minimum Persistence Count (Hourly) is the minimum number of hourly data points before persisting data
    into the metrics tables. This enables focusing on high counts for types like RECORDS - ENTITY READS.
  6. The Minimum Threshold Count is the minimum number of data points to use when basing a historical threshold on a previous value.
  7. Click Save for each type you configure.
  8. Click Finished.

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