Business Process Automation

Process Actions

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management > Process Actions. This page is only available when you are logged in as DBA.ADMIN.

Use this page to view a process action.

  • The Process Control Menu is the menu on the UI where the action appears. The format for defining the menu is: <Menu Header>[/<Menu Subheader>]/<Process Name>. If menu subheaders are specified, processes will be grouped under matching subheaders. The process name will be shown as a link. For detailed instructions on defining a process control menu, see the Process Control Menu topic.
  • The Schedulable check box indicates the action available for process scheduling.
  • Is Process Synch: indicates if you can to run the action synchronously from a process control menu.
  • Long Running Task: Indicates if this process can be tracked as long running, and possibly interrupted.
  • Interruption Support: Indicates if the action is interruptible.
  • When the Load Balancing is set to None, a server polling items in the data queue retrieves all pending items, queueing them up in memory if threads are busy. When Load Balancing is set to Thread Availability, a server polling pending items retrieves only as many items as it can immediately service in idle threads. For example, if you have three threads available, only three items are taken from the queue. If there are no threads available, it will leave the queue in the table and let it be processed by another server.
  • Interrupt on SQL: If selected, the action automatically checks for interruption whenever a SQL query, insert, update, or delete is executed.
  • The Action Class is the workflow topic class that implements the action.
  • The Audit Action is triggered when the action is executed.
  • A Default Log Profile that can be used when collecting action logs.

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