Configuration and Administration

Log Profiles

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Power Data > Diagnostics > Log Profiles.

A log profile defines a set of log IDs used for collecting action logs. If you are troubleshooting, you can select a log profile when running a finder/manager action, editing a top-level record, or submitting a process control action. While the action runs, all logging needed for diagnostics is written out to a single, specific log file. When the action completes, you can view the focused log and download it for offline analysis.

While log profiles were designed for action logs, they can be used with standard logs. The Log File page allows specification of a set of log profiles along with a set of log IDs. Log components can be used with standard logs to restrict logging output.

A special log profile, Default, can be selected in lieu of an actual Log Profile. This will check whether there is a default log profile associated with the action, data query type, or process action. If one exists, it will be used; if not, you recieve an error. 

  1. Enter a Log Profile ID.
  2. Select a Domain Name.
  3. Select the Include Metrics field to collect metrics for the action. While the action is running, metrics accumulate. This accumulation is not hourly and continues over the entire duration of the action. When the action completes, the metrics are written to a CSV which can be accessed through the Download Log action and the Save to File field on the log viewer.
  4. Enter a Log Profile Component ID. A log profile component will collect additional logs, but only when the component is used by the system.
  5. In the Log Profile Details section, select the logs to be monitored. Select the detail in the left column and click the > button to move it to the right column. See the topic Log IDs for a list of the Process IDs that you can configure for a log.

    Note: Some logging options write a lot of information to the logs and should be disabled unless you need to investigate a particular instance. This is especially true for Sql and any options that have "details" in the title.

  6. To add a new detail, enter a Process ID in the Detail field (for example, Agent) and click Save.
  7. Click Finished.

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