Configuration and Administration

VPD Contexts

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Power Data > General > VPD Contexts.

A VPD (virtual private database) context is a set of context variables with defined values. VPD contexts enable administrators to create a generalized external predicate that can be applied to groups of users.

For example, an administrator could create a new VPD context that defines the value of the Location ID as a particular location. Then users who have been assigned that VPD context could be limited to accessing shipments moved to or from that location.

Note: To assign a VPD context to a user, use the User Manager.

Note: Only users with "DBA.ADMIN" or "ADMIN" user roles have rights to create/update VPD contexts. Since creating and editing VPD contexts is an administrator level task, for assistance, contact Technical Support.

Database Performance (Oracle Transportation Management Administrators only)

If you do not need to grant domain access at the individual Table Set level, you can improve database performance by setting a VPD context variable to instruct the Oracle Transportation Management database to ignore table sets.

  1. Login as the database administrator for a specific domain.
  2. Create a VPD Context, called GLOBAL, containing a context variable called vpd_granularity and assign it the value of "D" (without the quotes).

    Do not assign the GLOBAL VPD Context to any user as it applies to users in a domain; in addition to any user-specific VPD Contexts that are configured for users.

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