Contract and Rate Management

Charge Tokens

Note: BluJay Solutions Parcel (formerly Kewill Flagship Parcel Rates) is not supported.

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Charge Tokens.

A charge token is an API key returned by an external rating engine that represents a charge. Charge tokens need to be defined on Charge token sets.

Use this page to view a list of tokens that OTM supports.

Defining a Charge Token

  1. Enter a Charge Token ID which defines a unique identifier.
  2. Enter a Charge Token Value representing the value for the given charge token.
  3. Enter the Description of the charge token.
  4. Select the Engine Type field which defines the rating engine to which this charge token belongs.

    Note: you can create/modify/delete only Charge Tokens of Engine Type Carbon Tax.

  5. Select a valid domain for the charge token from the Domain Name drop-down list.

The External Rating Engine (ERE) returns one of the following types of charge tokens:

  • Default charge tokens: These charges are automatically returned to OTM and do not need to be specifically requested. For example, FUELCHG.
  • Requested charge tokens: When you provide an Accessorial Code on the Order Release, then the corresponding charge token cost is calculated and returned. For example, DECVALCHG, SATDLVYCHG, CHG_ADD_HNDL, and CHG_DLVY_CONF.
  • Charge tokens that require additional information: When you provide an accessorial code along with additional details the corresponding charge token cost is calculated and returned. For example, DRYICE_CHRG/DRY_ICE_CHG/ DRYICECHG and HAZMAT.

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