Shipment Management

Shipment/Order Action Results

This page displays shipment results based on the specific order release or shipment action that you performed.

Unassign Order

This page displays the shipments from which the order was removed. The shipment attributes that appear represent the state of the shipment before the order was unassigned. If the shipment contained only the order that you unassigned, it is also removed from the database. If the shipment contains additional orders, you can use the Shipment Manager to view the details of the shipment as a result of the unassignment.

Move Order

The From Shipments section of the page shows the shipment details before the order was placed on the shipment. The To Shipments page reflects the results of moving the order to the existing shipment.

Merge Shipments

The From Shipments section of the page shows the details of the shipments before they are merged. The To Shipments page reflects the results of merging the shipments.

Divert Shipments

The From Shipments section of the page shows the shipment details before being diverted. The To Shipments page reflects the results of diverting the shipment.

Change Service Provider

The change service provider action provides a list of the valid service providers which includes each service provider's ID, SCAC code, domain, rate offering, cost, weighted cost, and service time. Select the service provider you want to assign and click OK.

You can click the Carrier Analysis button to show historic data. The related dashboard opens.

Choose Least Cost

The From Shipments section of the page shows the shipment cost details before changing the service provider. The To Shipments page reflects the results of changing the service provider.

Choose Preferred Alternatives

The system provides a list of the valid service providers which includes each service provider's ID, SCAC code, domain, rate offering, cost, weighted cost, and service time. Mark the service provider you want to assign and click OK.

Recalculate Cost

The From Shipments section of the page shows the shipment details before changing the cost. The To Shipments page reflects the results of changing the cost.

Delete Secondary Charge

The From Shipments section of the page shows the secondary group charge shipment that was deleted. The To Shipment page is blank.

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