Shipment Management

Shipment Cost Detail

Access the Shipment Manager page via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments (or Sell Shipments) and click the Financials tab. Scroll to the Costs section of the page and click New Shipment Cost.
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Shipment Cost

Use the Shipment Cost page to add a new shipment cost or edit an existing cost and to optionally assign the cost to the appropriate order which allows allocation to more accurately assign costs.

  1. Select a valid Cost Type. The options are:
    • Base: The base cost associated with the shipment as determined by the standard basis options defined on the rate. If you are entering a base cost manually, enter a value in the Shipment Cost field and select the currency you want. The Base Cost Type does not include charges for Accessorials, Discounts, or Stop-offs as defined on the rate or entered manually.
    • Accessorial: This cost appears for any charge that is a result of an Accessorial being applied to the shipment as a result of shipment planning or manual entry. It can be a calculated surcharge that applies to the shipment based on Accessorial Codes that are assigned to the rate that was used for the shipment. It can also represent a fixed charge that is not calculated based on any Accessorial Code assignment on a rate.
    • Stop-Off Charge: This cost represents the calculated stop-off charges based on the total number of shipment stops and the Per Stop Charge defined on the rate offering that was used to rate this shipment.
    • Discount: This cost is the calculated discount amount based on the rate cost discount defined on the rate record that was used to rate this shipment or entered manually.
    • Circuity: This cost defines how the circuity of a multi-stop route affects the rate. Sometimes a service provider may offer a rate that charges based on the first and last stops in a route, while not charging for any stops in between. To be cost-effective, service providers often require that the mid-points of the route be within a reasonable distance of the end points.
    • Delta: This cost is the difference between the cost on the shipment and the cost on the invoice. For example, the shipment may have a cost of $1000. but the invoice came in at $1200. The delta will be $200. A line is added to the shipment so you can see the original cost and the delta on the shipment.
    • Other: A cost other than those Cost Types mentioned above that was entered manually.
      The Total Weighted Cost is showing as cost type 'Other' if the rate has a rate quality ID factor.

    Note: If you record a description for a Rate Cost (on the Rate Record), it will appear in place of the default Cost Type Base listed above.

    Also, if you record a description for an accessorial, special service code, or accessorial cost in Power Data, it will appear in place the of the default Cost Type Accessorial listed above.

  2. Enter the appropriate Shipment Cost and Currency.
  3. The Cost Category ID is a read-only field. This data is copied to the shipment cost during the rating process.
  4. If applicable, enter a tracking number. Generally, tracking numbers are unique identifiers assigned to a shipment by a parcel carrier.
  5. Select the Cost Fixed check box if you want this cost type to always remain on the shipment regardless of whether the shipment is re-rated. Use this check box for manually-applied cost types such as Accessorial or Other. If a shipment is re-rated for any reason, these costs will stay on the shipment as entered. If you mark this check box for any other cost types, those cost types and related values will also remain on the shipment; however, new cost types may appear as a result of shipment re-rating which may not make sense. For example, you probably do not want to mark a Base Cost Type as fixed.

    Note: This check box is automatically marked as a result of a successful Open Tender process.

  6. Marking the Process As Flow Through check box will force the corresponding shipment accessorial cost, regardless of the flow through field on the Accessorial Code to be copied from the buy-side to the sell-side during the sell shipment rating process. Only buy shipment Accessorial costs will be copied to the sell shipment.

    When the Buy Shipment has shipment cost with Accessorial Code having Flow Thru as checked then these costs are also copied to sell shipment.

    Note: The Process As Flow Through check box is only applicable to Buy Shipments. Buy Shipments Secondary Charge Shipment related costs are not moved to the Sell Shipment.

  7. Enter an identifier in the Cost Identifier field. This can be used to differentiate between costs with the same cost types. For example, if there are two shipment costs with cost type as base, then they can be differentiated by adding a description in the Cost Identifier field. This field will be used to define bill to party for each cost for generation of an invoice.
  8. In addition to assigning a manual accessorial charge, you can also assign an Accessorial Code and have charges calculated based on the rate that was used for the shipment.
  9. You can manually assign a General Ledger Code to the shipment cost, which will be carried through during the allocation process.

    Note: For NFRCs, General Ledger Codes can be automatically assigned to each cost record via a Non-Freight Related Charge Rule.

  10. Select a Payment Method Code. A Payment Method Codes specifies how the invoice is to be paid. The options available depend on what Payment Methods you have set up in Power Data.
  11. Assign the cost an Adjustment Reason to specify why a cost adjustments was made. This will be carried through the financials process and passed along to both the customer bill and the carrier invoice.
  12. If you have added the flex fields User-defined AttributeUser-defined Attribute NumberUser-defined Attribute Date, and User-defined Attribute Currency via the manager layout, they will be displayed. Enter appropriate values in the fields.

Shipment Cost References

Use this grid to associate a shipment cost to specific Order release line items, Order releases, and Shipment stops for allocation purposes.

  1. Shipment Cost Qualifier ID: Select the shipment cost qualifier from the dropdown list. Allowed values are Order release line items, Order releases, and Shipment stops.
  2. Shipment Cost Reference ID: Select the shipment cost reference from the dropdown list. The list of shipment cost references appears based on the selected shipment cost qualifier.
  3. Click Save for each qualifier you specify.

If all three types of cost references are defined for the shipment cost, then the shipment cost will be associated with only one of them during allocation as per the below priority order:

  • Order Release LineUse the Order Release Line to associate a shipment cost to specific order release line. The cost will be allocated to related order or order line.
  • Order ReleaseUse the Order Release to associate a shipment cost to specific order releases. The cost will be allocated to the specified order or to all related order lines.
  • Shipment Stop: Use the Shipment Stop to associate a shipment cost to specific Shipment Stops. The cost will be allocated to all the related order or order lines.


  1. You can add remarks to the shipment cost. This section allows you to log any extraneous information you want to keep with the cost. This data will be carried through the financials process and passed along to both the customer bill and the carrier invoice.
  2. Click Save for each remark you create.

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