Shipment Management

Shipment Manager: Financials

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. Click the Financials tab.

The Financials tab lists financial information associated with the shipment.

The property sets the decimal place precision when calculating shipment costs. You can enter zero or any positive integer  to define the precision.

  1. Select the Cost Fixed check box to indicate that the cost for this entire shipment is fixed. Marking the cost as fixed prevents the recalculation of costs.
  2. Select the Rate Record Fixed check box to indicate that the rate record for this shipment is fixed and cannot be changed.
  3. Select the Rate Offering Fixed check box to indicate that the rate offering for this shipment is fixed. Marking the rate offering as fixed prevents Oracle Transportation Management from suggesting other rate offerings during recalculation.
  4. The Total Actual Cost field displays the current cost of the shipment as calculated by the sum of all cost types listed. Initially, after a shipment is planned, the Total Actual Cost is the same as the Planned Cost. However, if you make any changes to the shipment after initial planning such as changing the service provider, re-rating the shipment after rate modifications, or adding a cost manually, the Total Actual Cost is updated accordingly. The Planned Cost is not updated and always reflects the cost from the initial planning.

    Note: Auto Approve Rules in Financials compare the total actual cost with the net amount due on the invoice.

  5. The Planned Cost field displays the cost that was calculated during shipment planning based on the appropriate rate. This cost always remains the same regardless of any shipment modifications that may affect the cost. Refer to the Total Actual Cost field to see the impacts of cost changes after planning.
  6. The Total Weighted Cost field reflects the application of a Rate Quality Factor against the Total Actual Cost. For example, if the rate offering that is used to rate the shipment includes a Quality Factor, a Total Weight Cost value is calculated based on the attributes of the Rate Quality Factor and the Total Actual Cost. It can be used to increase or decrease the shipment cost and can represent a rate modifier assigned to service providers based on performance.
  7. The Current Market Cost field displays the market cost. This value is updated:
    • when you run the shipment action 'Fetch and Update Market Cost'
    • when you award a spot bid tender to a carrier and the market cost is available on the spot bid response page
    • when you run the agent action 'Fetch and Update Market Cost'.
  8. The Total Trans Cost represents the total transportation cost after applying rebates. It reflects the Total Actual Cost minus the rebate amount as defined in the Secondary Charge Rules. Once the transportation shipment and/or related secondary charge shipments have an invoice that as been paid, it will change to be the total of the amount paid for that shipment.
  9. The Original Invoice Cost field displays the initial invoice amount received from the carrier. This field only appears on buy shipments.
  10. The Total Matched Invoice Cost field contains the initial invoice amount adjusted by any additional charges or invoices that the carrier later sent to you. This field only appears on buy shipments.
  11. The Total Approved Cost field shows what you have agreed to pay to the carriers based on approved vouchers. This field only appears on buy shipments.
  12. A rate offering is a contract with a service provider that determines the cost for transportation.
  13. A rate record provides specific costing or rating data from one location to another.

    For planned shipments, Oracle Transportation Management performs calculations to determine the lowest cost rate offering available for the shipment based on service provider, source and destination locations, itinerary, transportation mode, equipment, and the items being transported.

    If you assign a rate offering and a rate record manually, Oracle Transportation Management uses the rate you enter to calculate the shipment cost for the bill and/or invoice. The rate offering you select must be one that is valid for the shipment's transportation mode and service provider.

    Note: For shipments created in the Order Manager or Process Manager, different rates appear for buy and sell shipments. Manual shipments use Buy rates.

    Note: You can set the public agent to assign rates for manual shipments.

    The Spot Costed check box is automatically selected as a result of a successful open tender process.
  14. The Advanced Charge check box can be selected or cleared by running the Flag As Advanced Charge and Unflag as Advanced Charge actions from a sell shipment and sell NFRC (non-freight related charge). An advanced charge is a charge on a job that is collected on the forwarder's behalf. This field only appears on sell shipments.
  15. Planned Rate Offering and Planned Rate Record are display-only fields that display the original rate offering and record what was selected when this shipment was originally planned from an order. The values in these fields remain unchanged as any changes are made to the shipment that may change the rate. This provides a record of the original rate that was used when the shipment was first planned. These files are not populated if you are creating a manual shipment (Shipment as Work).
  16. The Secondary Charge Rule field indicates what secondary charge rule was copied from the order and used to assign secondary charges.
  17. Payment Method Codes identify the manner in which payment is made on a shipment and can be used as an alternative to Incoterms. The Payment Method Code from the order base is copied to each shipment that is created from the order base unless you have specified Payment Method Codes on the legs of the itinerary that was used to create this shipment. In this case, the Payment Method Code on the leg of the itinerary is copied to the shipment (overriding the code specified on the order). Payment Method Codes can also be assigned to each shipment cost record as described below.

    Note: The copying of payment method codes from an order or itinerary is controlled by the parameter SET PAYMENT TERMS ON BUILT SHIPMENTS. The default is true.

  18. Incoterms are industry standard terms which define how payments are made.
  19. Use the Incoterm Location field to enter information concerning contract terms for the shipment by providing additional information about the shipment.
  20. The Parcel Zone field is populated if a rating zone is returned from BluJay Solutions during rating. The field is only populated via the BluJay Solutions integration. It is not populated when rating parcel shipments using local rates.

Note: BluJay Solutions Parcel (formerly Kewill Flagship Parcel Rates) is not supported.

Tariff Information

  1. The Organization Number and the Organization Name define the organization that is responsible for administering the tariff.
  2. The Tariff Number and Tariff Name fields identify a particular tariff. Enter or edit tariff information associated with the shipment. Tariff information is not included in any calculations performed by Oracle Transportation Management.
  3. The Tariff Date displays the date when the tariff is no longer valid.

Insurance Information

  1. Enter an Insurance Policy Number.
  2. Enter an Insurance Amount.
  3. Enter an Insurance Premium.
  4. Indicate whether or not duty has been paid by using the Duty Paid drop-down box. The value of the Duty Paid field is copied from the order to the shipment during the build shipments process. If any order on the shipment has a Duty Paid of YES, then the shipment is marked as YES.

    When the Calculate VAT action is run for an invoice or a bill, the VAT logic looks at this field. If the value is YES, then Oracle Transportation Management uses the VAT Outcome of EXEMPT. If the value is NO or NA, then VAT logic runs regularly.
  5. Indicate the insurer's contact information in the Insured By field.
  6. Select the Bill of Lading Type from the drop-down list.
  7. Select the Bill of Lading Issuance Type from the drop-down list.


This section of the page provides a detailed breakdown of each shipment cost by cost type based on initial shipment planning or manual cost entries.

Shipment Cost Calculation Details

A Shipment Cost column appears as a hyperlink for any shipment that was planned when the Rating Engine Stores Detailed Cost Information parameter is turned on.

Note: No details are provided for any shipment that was planned prior to the activation of this parameter. However, if you run any action that causes Oracle Transportation Management to re-rate a shipment (such as Assign Rate or Change Service Provider) after the parameter was activated, the Details appear.

If you click the View icon, a pop-up opens showing the Actual Amount, Functional Amount and Exchange Rate information. This column presents a breakdown of the calculations for each individual cost. It appears as a text description of how a cost type was calculated based on the configuration of the rate that was used to plan the shipment. Click the Cost Type description to display the source records that control the calculations. For example, click Base Cost to display that rate record that was used to calculate the base cost or click Accessorial to display the Accessorial Cost page. Note that Circuity, Stopoff, and Other Cost Types provide no link to source records.

Note: The currency displayed for the shipment cost depends on your current user preferences. However, the currencies displayed in the Details column is the same as what was defined on the rate record (Rate Costs tab).

The Ship Unit and Ship Unit Line columns hold information about individual units and lines that are associated with the shipment. If your shipment consists of parcels that are rated by an external service engine, the Shipment Cost column will show the costs for each individual parcel, provided that you have provided the correct data to the external rating engine.

If the cost type is Accessorial, the Accessorial Code and Accessorial Code Description fields are populated with the code and description respectively.

Carton level costs are captured as part of shipment cost using Ship Unit/Ship Unit Line/ Tracking Number fields in this section. Details like tracking number, invoice cost, weight are captured as part of the existing invoice and invoice line item details. Based on the match rule definition (i.e. using tracking number) you can match parcel invoices with shipment/ship unit/ship unit line. Once matching is complete, it can then be approved based on the specific parcel costs/weights of corresponding matched shipment, ship unit or ship unit line.

Informational Costs

Use this section to define information cost types.


Use this section to assign one or more Accessorial codes that you want applied to the shipment.

The codes that you specify must also be identified in the rate that was used for the shipment. If a matching code is found on the rate, the appropriate cost is applied to the shipment and is listed as a cost type in the Shipment Cost Details section of the page. You can edit the additional charges from that section of the page.

Special Services

Use this section to assign any Special Service codes that will apply to this shipment or to edit any special service codes already assigned to the shipment.

There will be only one shipment special service for each stop per activity.

Note: In order to apply secondary charges for "shipment special service" or "shipment stop special service", you have to use the "Add third party service provider" action on the shipment.

Equipment Type Inventory Processing

There are three check boxes that indicate if inventory processing has occurred. The following potential places are where inventory needs to be processed:

  • Drop Empty Before Freight Processed: at the freight delivery stop of the driver's previous shipment
  • Pick Empty Before Freight Processed: at the freight pickup stop at the current shipment
  • Drop Empty After Freight Processed: at the freight delivery stop on the current shipment

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