Shipment Management

Shipment Quantities - Ship Unit Detail

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Edit Quantities. On the Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection  screen, select Edit By Shipment  and Edit By Ship Units. Click Submit. On the Buy or Sell Shipment Quantities - Edit Shipment screen, click the Edit icon beside any shipment equipment line. On the Buy/Sell Shipment Quantities - Edit Shipment Ship Unit screen, click Edit beside the desired Ship Unit to open the Shipment Ship Unit Detail screen.

Note: To add a new ship unit, use Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell (or Buy) Shipment Quantities. Select a shipment from the Finder screen and then click Edit. On the Sell (or Buy) Shipment Quantities - Edit Selection screen, select Edit By Shipment and Edit By Ship Unit. Click Submit. Click Edit beside any shipment equipment line. Click New Ship Unit.

  1. If you are editing an existing ship unit, the ID field will be populated with the ship unit ID. If you are entering a new ship unit, you must provide a ship unit ID as well as a pickup stop and a destination stop.
  2. Enter the number of ship units by entering a value in the Ship Unit Count field. The ship unit count acts as a multiplier for the weight or volume of the units. For example, if the ship unit weight is 10 pounds and the ship unit count is 3, then the total weight of the ship units is 30 pounds.
  3. The Transport Handling Unit field defines the type of packaging for the ship unit. For example, you can choose one of the public transport handling units such as a pallet, box, tote, and so on. The details of these are defined in Power Data and include attributes such as length, width, height, gross weight, tare weight, and effective volume which defines capacity. Since the defaults are considered public data, you cannot modify the attributes. However, you can define your own in power data.
  4. The Gross Weight/Volume per Ship Unit field displays weight/volume that would include all product and packaging weight per ship unit. Gross weight/volume is typically used for transportation planning. It may be used for rating in most cases.
  5. The Net Weight/Volume per Ship Unit field displays the weight/volume of a product without any handling units or packaging. For some shippers this includes the weight/volume of the carton. However, the net weight/volume may define the quantity of usable product. In all cases, it does not include the weight/volume of the ship unit such as a pallet.
  6. Select a Flexible Commodity Qualifier to describe the content of your order in terms of a specific classification.
  7. Enter a Commodity Code. The value that you enter in the Commodity Code field depends on the flexible commodity qualifier that you select.
  8. Use the Length per Ship Unit, Weight per Ship Unit, Height per Ship Unit, Width per Ship Unit, and Volume per Ship Unit fields for the material and choose a unit of measure for each.

    Note: The Ship Unit Count field acts as a multiplier for the Weight and Volume fields. The value you enter for weight applies for a single ship unit. For example, if the ship unit weight is 10 pounds and the ship unit count is 3, then the total weight is 30 pounds.

  9. If the ship unit is cylindrical, you can specify its overall Diameter and Core Diameter. These values are used in load configuration evaluations.

    Note: If you specified the diameter values on an order, they are copied to the shipment that is planned from the order.

  10. The Bulk Splittable check box determines whether a ship unit with a quantity of 0 or 1 can be split into multiple ship units and placed on multiple shipments or multiple equipment.
  11. The Count Splittable check box applies when the ship unit count is 2 or more. If it is selected, you can split one or more (but not all) ship unit pieces of this ship unit. If not selected, you cannot split by piece.

    Note: For Visibility and Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) purposes, it is important to track the amount ordered versus the amount booked versus the amount shipped versus the amount received. In order to manage all of these amounts, Oracle Transportation Management has the notion of the amount received of the product.

  12. The Received fields can be used to record the appropriate received values for the ship unit in terms of gross/net weight and volume, as well as count. You can enter these values here or you can set up an agent that can copy these values from shipment tracking events that are recorded for the shipment. These are stored at the ship unit level. The received amounts are not used in the calculation of the rating engine. They are used for visibility and alerting. This provides the ability to look at the amount that was shipped versus the amount that was received. Generally, the received amount is entered by one of the trading partners and not the logistics planner.

    These values are not used in shipment planning or rating and only used for information.
  13. Order Release Ship Unit ID displays the ship unit ID from the order release that was used to create this shipment ship unit for reference. This field is blank if the shipment was not planned from an order release.
  14. The Permanent check box can be used to identify the stops that you do not want deleted when shipment updates are sent into Oracle Transportation Management via integration. If you mark a stop as permanent and a shipment update occurs via the Planned Shipment interface (INS) with a Transaction Code of RC (Replace Children), any stop marked as permanent will be left as is. If you use the IU Transaction Code on the INS interface, all stops are updated regardless of the Permanent setting.

    You can use the Permanent check box to ensure that a ship unit is not removed as a result of the Shipment Quantities interface. Oracle Transportation Management supports replacing the ship units within a shipment using the ActualShipment XML Interface. The ship units are actually separate objects from shipments and are only referenced in a shipment via the Shipment Stop Detail records. A ship unit can exist across multiple shipments. To replace the ship units on a shipment, use the TransactionCode of RC with a ReplaceChildren.ManagedChild of ShipmentStopDetail. This removes all the Shipment Stop Detail records for the shipment stops. The Shipment Stop Detail records that have a value of IsPermanent = Y in the database are not removed.
  15. When a ship unit is no longer referenced in a shipment, the assignment of the ship unit to the shipment equipment on the shipment is removed, provided that the shipment equipment is not used on another shipment. The initial value of the ShipmentStopDetail.IsPermanent when the shipment is created through planning is defined by the CREATE PERMANENT SHIP UNITS parameter.
  16. Enter Tags.


Use this section to identify any seals on the ship unit. You can add as many seals as you want for a ship unit for information.

  1. Enter the Ship Unit Seal.
  2. Click Save for each ship unit seal.

Reference Number

Use this section to record reference numbers for the ship unit.


Enter any remarks that you want to associate with the ship unit.

Involved Parties

Use this section to record involved parties for the ship unit.

Ship Unit Line

You can use this section to describe the ship unit lines included in the ship unit.

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