Shipment Management

Split Shipment by Stop - Order Releases

The action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. Select a shipment and click Actions > Change Shipment Route > Split Shipment. Then choose Split Shipment By: Stop - Delivered Order Releases.

Use this action to unassign multiple order releases (and all of its ship units/lines) from a shipment based on shipment stops and create a new shipment or order movement. For more information on splitting shipments, see the split shipments example.

The Split Shipment by Stop - Order Releases page lists all drop off locations of the shipment and the order releases that are getting dropped off at those locations. You can expand the shipment stop and see the respective order releases.

The options for this shipment are the same as for Split Shipment by Order Release, except you cannot split to a direct shipment.

Note: You can only split one shipment at a time.

Let's look at a scenario to see how the system performs Split Shipment by Stop - Order Releases:

In this example, you have shipment ABC which has four order releases (OR1, OR2, OR3, OR4) and one pickup stop ORLANDO, and three drop off stops (ATLANTA, NAPLES, MIAMI).

All the four order releases (OR1, OR2, OR3, OR4) are picked up from the pickup stop Orlando and then

  1. OR1 and OR2 are dropped off at a delivery stop, ATLANTA
  2. OR3 is dropped off at a delivery stop, Naples
  3. OR4 is dropped off at a delivery stop, MIAMI

When you run the action Split Shipment and select " Stop- Delivered Order Releases" , you will view all the three delivery stops ATLANTA, NAPLES, MIAMI listed in the Split Shipment by Stop - Order Releases page.

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